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E.g., 25/07/2024
Stanislao Travisano, José Luis de la Pompa, Gaetano D'Amato y Donal MacGrogan.
About the CNIC
25 Apr 2016

These genes form part of a signaling mechanism that is possibly altered in patients with a bicuspid aortic valve (BAV), a prevalent condition that compromises cardiovascular health

Eugenio Bustos Morán, Profesor F. Sánchez Madrid,  Noelia Blas Rus,  y Noa B. Martín Cófreces
20 Apr 2016

The protein Aurora A controls the initial phases of T lymphocyte activation

Valentín Fuster, Director del CNIC, Jerome Boesch, Presidente y Consejero Delegado de Danone S.A., y Luis de Carlos, Presidente de la Fundación Pro CNIC
9 Mar 2016

A new agreement confirms the joint commitment of the public and private sectors to reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

From left to right, Dr. Guadalupe Sabio, Bárbara González-Terán, Nuria Matesanz, and Ivanna Nikolic.
About the CNIC
3 Feb 2016

The proteins p38 gamma and p38 delta control the accumulation of fat in the liver

22 Jan 2016

The study opens the way to the design of treatments for heart failure caused by excessive growth of the heart

Circle of health
About the CNIC
17 Dec 2015

Leading cardiologist Valentin Fuster, MD, PhD, has developed a free mobile application called "Circle of Health" to empower individuals around the globe to take action to comprehensively assess and enhance their daily overall heart health.

About the CNIC
9 Nov 2015

Journal of the American College of Cardiology

6 Oct 2015

La última edición de la revista Journal of Americal College of Cardiology acaba de publicar los primeros datos del Programa de Salud Integral (SI!).

María Mittelbrunn (la segunda por la derecha) en el acto de entrega de los premios
24 Sep 2015

La bolsa premia a cinco científicas españolas que desarrollan un proyecto de investigación en un laboratorio en España

2 Sep 2015

La actividad insuficiente del gen Meis1 podría ser causa de microftalmia, anomalía congénita poco frecuente caracterizada por un tamaño del ojo reducido y déficits visuales, que es responsable del 11% de la ceguera infantil en países desarrollados