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About the CNIC
15 Sep 2017

Philanthropy, a way to connect individuals with institutions dedicated to research that increase the quality of life and improve society, is an act of generosity not sufficiently recognized today     

From left to right. Vicente Andres, Director of Basic Research of the CNIC; Mr. Makoto Suematsu, the President of the Japanese Agency for Research and Medical Development (AMED); Borja Ibáñez, Director of Clinical Research at the CNIC; Mr. Masahiko Noda, Managing Director of the Foreign Affairs Department, Alberto Sanz, Managing Director of the CNIC, and the First Secretary - Aggregate of Science and Technology – of the Japanese Embassy in Spain, Mr. Masahiro Aoki
About the CNIC
13 Sep 2017

The Japanese Agency for Research and Medical Development (AMED) is an institution dedicated to improving medicine through research and development in Japan

Photo 1: The authors are holding in their hands illustrations of cells expressing different combinations of membrane and nuclei fluorescent proteins. This corresponds to the method we developed (present in the article) to differentially label cells expressing different genes (with the codes A to F). Each cell expresses a different combination of 2 genes from a pool of 6 different genes (A, B, C, D, E, and F).
10 Aug 2017

The study, published in Cell, will allow any researcher to induce multispectral genetic mosaics in vertebrate research models such as mice and zebrafish

3D ultrasound of the right carotid artery. An atherosclerotic plaque is visible as a small protrusion (arrow) in the vessel wall of the internal branch of the proximal carotid artery (bottom), close to the bifurcation. In contrast, the surface of the disease-free external branch (top) is smooth (asterisk).
24 Jul 2017

CNIC researchers show the value of total atherosclerosis burden for the identification of individuals at risk of cardiovascular disease

Foto premiadas
About the CNIC
27 Jun 2017

The initiative is aimed at boosting the presence of women in all areas

About the CNIC
1 Jun 2017

Dr. Ibáñez, Director of Clinical Research at the CNIC, has received an award for his contribution to the fight against cardiovascular diseases

About the CNIC
29 May 2017

More tan 40 institutions participated in the VII edition of the “Scientific Weekend”

Dr. Fuster participates in the presentation of the report “Global Health and the Future Role of the United States”
About the CNIC
17 May 2017

In September 2016, the General Director of CNIC was appointed co-director of the committee “Global Health and the Future Role of the United States”.

The Commissioner of Health and Food Safety of the European Commission, Vytenis Andriukaitis, during his visit at CNIC.
About the CNIC
3 May 2017

The Health and Food Safety Commissioner from the European Commission, Vytenis Andriukaitis, visited Carlos III National Centre of Cardiovascular Research (CNIC)