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E.g., 01/09/2024
María Ángeles Moro
About the CNIC
11 Feb 2020

María Ángeles Moro leads the CNIC's Neurovascular Pathophysiology Laboratory.

About the CNIC
29 Jan 2020

Dr. Valentín Fuster’s group will contribute to the iMAP project through the PESA-CNIC-Santander study

Se muestra el corazón y tejidos anejos con la visualización de los vasos linfáticos y las células descendientes del segundo campo cardíaco en rojo.
10 Jan 2020

The international team led by CNIC researchers Drs Miguel Torres and Ghislaine Lioux found that the cardiac lymphatic vasculature does not have a single origin, but is instead formed by cells originating in a variety of tissues

De izda. a dcha.: Asier Echarri, Miguel Ángel del Pozo, Diana Velázquez, Carla Huerta, Sara Sánchez, María García, Raffaele Strippoli, Enrique Calvo, Jorge Alegre-Cebollada.
20 Dec 2019

CNIC scientists have identified the molecular mechanisms that allow our cells to adapt to, protect themselves against, and survive mechanical stress

About the CNIC
12 Dec 2019

Professor Jacob Fog Bentzon from Aarhus University and the CNIC  receives 2 M euros from the European Research Council for a ground-breaking research project on atherosclerosis – one of the most frequent causes of death in the world

: Blood vessel duplications in the inflamed intestinal mucosa of a mouse with colitis.
3 Dec 2019

Scientists at the CNIC and CSIC have identified a function of a protease that could be the future target of drugs to treat inflammatory bowel disease

31 Oct 2019

Dr. Miguel Torres, of the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC), leads a new project that will receive €8 million in funding over 5 years, €1,380,000 of which will be directly managed at the CNIC

About the CNIC
30 Oct 2019

One of the diseases most affected by aging is cardiovascular illness. In fact, it is already considered the most important risk factor for this disease

Rocío Sierra, José María Fernández-Toro, Cristina Clavería, Raquel Justo-Méndez, José Antonio Enríquez, Ana Victoria Lechuga-Vieco y Luis Miguel Criado.
4 Oct 2019

CNIC researchers have defined the dynamics of  the transfer of mitochondrial DNA from mothers to their offspring

About the CNIC
18 Sep 2019

Dra. Ivana Nikolić studies the role of T cells in the development of diseases associated with obesity