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E.g., 21/02/2025
29 Jun 2021

A study published in JACC shows that excess circulating triglyceride concentrations are associated with subclinical atherosclerosis and vascular inflammation in individuals with low-to-moderate cardiovascular risk according to standard scores

About the CNIC
29 Jun 2021

 Over one million European cancer patients suffer from side effects to chemotherapy

Dra. Sabio
About the CNIC
17 Jun 2021

The jury acknowledged this CNIC researcher's contribution to understanding why obesity causes cardiometabolic diseases.

Almudena Ramiro
About the CNIC
15 Jun 2021

The team led by Dr Ramiro has identified a target protein for the diagnosis and treatment of vascular pathologies

Scheme of a cMyBP-C region in which mutations cause amino-acid changes that alter the mechanical properties of the protein. The positions of the affected amino acids are shown in red.
7 Jun 2021

A team led by Dr. Jorge Alegre-Cebollada has shown, for the first time, an association between hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and mechanical alterations to a component of the contractile machinery of the heart

Association between the level of glycosylated hemoglobin and the extent of subclinical atherosclerosis
31 May 2021

In an article published in JACC, CNIC scientists report a method for improved ranking of cardiovascular risk in individuals without diabetes

First biomarker in blood that distinguishes myocarditis from an acute myocardial infarction
27 May 2021

The diagnosis of acute myocarditis is challenging, and the availability of a sensitive and specific early marker of acute myocardial inflammation could have a major impact on its clinical diagnosis

David Sancho, Carlos del Fresno, Elena Hernández-García, Manuel José Gómez, Francisco Javier Cueto, Salvador Iborra y Paola Brandi.
14 May 2021

Scientists at the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC) have designed a new strategy to potentiate immunotherapy, the treatment that has revolutionized cancer management

Sara Martínez Martínez, María José Méndez Olivares, Álvaro Alfayate, , Andrea de la Fuente-Alonso,  Miguel R. Campanero, Juan Miguel Redondo y Jesús Vázquez.
11 May 2021

Scientists at the CNIC and CSIC have shown that elevated activity of proteins regulated by nitric oxide (NO) causes the aortic disease seen in Marfan Syndrome patients

Jacky Goetz
About the CNIC
28 Apr 2021

Dr. Jacky Goetz works on intravital imaging and biomechanical forces during the progression of tumors.