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E.g., 24/07/2024
Foto. Primera fila desde la derecha a izquierda. Beatriz Palacios, Beatriz Escobar, Iván Menéndez-Montes, Silvia Martín-Puig. Segunda fila de dcha. a izqda.: José Luis Izquierdo, Luis Jesús Jiménez-Borreguero, Lorena Flores, Miguel Torres. Tercera fila de dcha. a izda.: Manuel José Gómez y Jesús Ruiz-Cabello.
20 Dec 2016

CNIC scientists demonstrate the fundamental importance of the hypoxia response in the maturation of the heart ventricles

(From left to right) Doctors Carolina Villarroya-Beltrí, Francisco Sánchez-Madrid and Francesc Baixauli, and Doctoral students Irene Fernández-Delgado and Daniel Torralba
25 Nov 2016

The study describes a cell signal that controls intercellular communication and could play a central role in biomedical strategies such as gene therapy, vaccine design, and immunotherapy

Los participantes de la CNIC Conferenc
About the CNIC
2 Nov 2016

Mechanical forces are the major drivers of development, physiology, and diseases of the cardiovascular system

Adela M. Guaras, José Antonio Enriquez, Enrique Calvo, Sara Cogliati, Jesús Vázquez, Rocio Nieto-Arellano, Iakes Ezkurdia y Nadia Mercader.
26 Oct 2016

The study helps to explain how different forms of organization affect metabolism and are linked to the tendency to develop certain diseases

 CNIC researchers Salvador Iborra, María Martínez, and David Sancho.
14 Oct 2016

A molecule produced and secreted by the parasite interacts with a receptor called Mincle (Clec4e)

Científicos del grupo de Inmunobiología del CNIC implicados en la publicación. De izquierda a derecha, arriba: Carlos del Fresno, Salvador Iborra, David Sancho, Fran Cueto; abajo: Michel Enamorado, María Martínez-López, Ruth Conde-Garrosa y Sofía Chayeb Khouili
28 Sep 2016

The study, published in the journal Immunity, identifies factors necessary for improving vaccines to induce long-duration cellular immunity in barrier tissues such as skin and mucous membranes

Circulation Research: The CNIC A Successful Vision in Cardiovascular Research
20 Sep 2016

La revista Circulation Research publica un News & Views sobre los 10 años de investigación en el CNIC

Ingenuity PET-MRI de Philips de humanos (Equipo híbrido clínico de Tomografía por Emisión de Positrones-Resonancia Magnética) 5
About the CNIC
8 Sep 2016

ReDIB is composed of two nodes, located at the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (CNIC) in Madrid and the Centro de Investigación Cooperativa en Biomateriales (CIC biomaGUNE) in San Sebastián

Nestin+ cells in an atherosclerotic plaque (yellow and red) in the brachial artery of an adult mouse. The layer of muscle cells (green) delimits the vessel lumen
8 Sep 2016

The study, published in Nature Communications, reveals these cells as a possible target for cardiovascular cell therapy

23 Aug 2016

Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) Publishes Data Assessing the Impact of Medication Adherence on Long-term Cardiovascular Outcomes and Cost