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E.g., 02/12/2024
E.g., 02/12/2024
Los complejos I, III, y IV de la cadena de transporte electrónico mitocondrial se asocian formando grandes estructuras llamadas supercomplejos.  SCAF1 determina la asociación entre complejos de la cadena de transporte mitocondrial.
18 Oct 2022

A study, published in Nature Metabolism, is the first to demonstrate the key role played by mitochondria in adapting metabolism to different energy demands in humans

Imagen obtenida por microscopía confocal en la que se observa el borde de la cicatriz glial producida tras el infarto cerebral, lo cual dificulta la posterior regeneración de la zona. Este evento es atenuado en gran medida a través del tratamiento con metoprolol intravenoso pre-reperfusión.
3 Oct 2022

Metoprolol, an established drug in the cardiologists armory, protects the brain during a stroke and greatly reduces its consequences

Cellular and Molecular Sciences: Describen un nuevo mecanismo que relaciona la inflamación y el remodelado cardiovascular patológico
About the CNIC
19 Sep 2022

CNIC's leader have been recognized for his exceptional career achievements at the 34th annual conference

Pablo García Pavía and Luis Escobar
12 Sep 2022

The findings, published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC), will enable physicians to make appropriate treatment adjustments for patients with this disease

Los adolescentes que duermen menos de 8 horas tienen más probabilidades de tener sobrepeso u obesidad
29 Aug 2022

Excess weight and metabolic syndrome are associated with cardiovascular disease, suggesting that health promotion programs in schools should teach good sleep habits

Fernando de Frutos y el Dr. Pablo García Pavía.
29 Aug 2022

The findings, published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC), represent a first step towards the personalized treatment of patients with this disease

Valentín Fuster
26 Aug 2022

The results of the SECURE trial, coordinated by CNIC were presented in a Hot Line session at the European Society of Cardiology meeting (ESC 2022) in Barcelona and published at the NEJM

About the CNIC
23 Aug 2022

The finding provides a basis for mitigating the loss of muscle regenerative capacity in elderly people

Imagen de histología que muestra la comparación del tamaño del corazón de un ratón normal (izquierda) y un ratón deficiente para la proteína MKK6 (derecha).
9 Aug 2022

A new study published in eLife shows that inhibition of p38γ/δ is a potential therapeutic strategy for the treatment of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, but that this strategy has yet to be explored because of the lack of specific inhibitors for these p38 family members