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E.g., 25/03/2025
E.g., 25/03/2025
From left to right: D. MacGrogan, B. Flores-Garza, T. González-Costa, V. Sebastián-Serrano,  J.L. de la Pompa, L. Méndez-Peralta, A. Pau-Navalón, A. Galicia-Martín, J. Santos-Cantador,  C. Relaño-Ruperez, M. Siguero-Álvarez
About the CNIC
12 Dec 2024

The new project, ‘The Placenta in Maternal and Fetal Cardiovascular Health and Disease’, aims to understand how the placenta influences cardiovascular health in mothers and their children, promising improvements in the prevention and treatment of related diseases

David Filgueiras Rama, Julián Pérez-Villacastín, Carlos Galán-Arriola, Andrés Redondo Rodríguez, Alba Ramos Prada, Jorge García Quintanilla, Juan José González Ferrer, Alba García Escolano y Nicasio Pérez-Castellano.
3 Oct 2024

The method, validated in a multicenter study led by the Hospital Clínico San Carlos and the CNIC, enables preoperative planning based on a cardiac magnetic resonance imaging strategy that avoids the biases intrinsic to conventional image analysis

Edward Pearce
21 Dec 2023

Johns Hopkins UniversityBloomberg School of Public HealthBaltimore

About the CNIC
2 Aug 2021

Akiko Iwasaki, with some other scientists, helped create a plan to stop Covid-19. She has also spoken out about the barrier’s women face in the field of biology

29 May 2020

The researcher Alejandro Sánchez Alvarado is one of the greatest experts in the study of the mechanisms involved, cellular and biological, in regeneration in the planaria model

De izquierda a derecha  José Manuel Alfonso Almazán, Jorge García Quintanilla, Manuel Marina Breysse, José María Lillo Castellano, Julián Pérez Villacastín, David Filgueiras Rama, José Jalife y Nicasio Pérez Castellano.
16 Dec 2019

The study, published in Europace, uses signals from implantable devices—pacemakers and defibrillators—to analyze electrical signals in the heart during episodes of atrial fibrillation

De izda. a dcha.: Dr. Luis Rodríguez Padial, vicepresidente de la SEC; Dr. Andrés Íñiguez, presidente de la SEC; Dr. Valentín Fuster, director general del CNIC; Dr. Borja Ibáñez, director de Investigación Clínica del CNIC; Dr. Manuel Anguita, presidente electo de la SEC; Dr. Vicente Andrés, director de Investigación Básica del CNIC y D. Alberto Sanz, director gerente del CNIC.
About the CNIC
6 Feb 2017

The Spanish Society of Cardiology (SEC) and The Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (CNIC) have created an ambitious joint plan of postgraduate training for cardiologists in order to promote good quality research in the cardiovascular field

About the CNIC
23 Jul 2014

El objetivo de este plan “atraer y formar a los jóvenes más brillantes desde las edades más tempranas”

7 Feb 2013

La apuesta del CNIC por encontrar el talento desde las etapas más precoces de la educación, representada en el Plan de Formación CNIC-JOVEN, estará este año por primera vez en AULA