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E.g., 23/07/2024
E.g., 23/07/2024
Alfonso Mora, Ayelén Santamans, Luis Leiva, Guadalupe Sabio, José Antonio Enríquez y Barbara Gonzalez Terán.
24 Nov 2021

The study, published in PLoS Biology, shows for the first time that cardiac metabolism in the postnatal period determines the regulation of metabolism in the whole body

Almudena Ramiro
About the CNIC
15 Jun 2021

The team led by Dr Ramiro has identified a target protein for the diagnosis and treatment of vascular pathologies

About the CNIC
9 Jun 2021

The study, published in Nature in 2019, revealed relevant data about the involvement of the protein p38gamma in the development of the main type of primary liver cancer, which affects over a million people a year worldwide

Skeletal staining of the inferior limb regions of normal embryos, embryos with a single Meis allele, and an embryo with complete absence of Meis. Embryos with a single copy of Meis lack the fibula and posterior digits (black arrow). Total absence of Meis prevents limb development (white arrow).
2 Jun 2021

The study, published in Nature Communications, reveals that Meis transcription factors are essential for the formation and antero-posterior patterning of the limbs during embryonic development 

Sara Martínez Martínez, María José Méndez Olivares, Álvaro Alfayate, , Andrea de la Fuente-Alonso,  Miguel R. Campanero, Juan Miguel Redondo y Jesús Vázquez.
11 May 2021

Scientists at the CNIC and CSIC have shown that elevated activity of proteins regulated by nitric oxide (NO) causes the aortic disease seen in Marfan Syndrome patients

3D reconstructions of superior (left) and inferior (right) brain regions, showing regions with lower metabolism associated with the presence of atherosclerotic plaques in the carotid arteries. The color code indicates the magnitude of the observation (yellow, strong association; red, lower association). Gray indicates areas showing no association with carotid plaque presence
15 Feb 2021

Among the modifiable cardiovascular risk factors showing a close association with reduced brain metabolism, the research team found that the most important is hypertension

De izda. a dcha.: Verónica Casquero, Sofía Sánchez, Irene García, Macarena Fernández, Wen Luo, Severin Muhleder, Lourdes García, Rui Benedito
9 Dec 2020

Científicos del CNIC han descubierto un mecanismo celular y molecular que puede ayudar a promover la arterialización y perfusión en los tejidos que han sufrido una reducción del riego sanguíneo.

Jesús Vázquez, Almudena Ramiro, José Luis Martín Ventura, Inmaculada Martos Folgado, Cristina Lorenzo y Sonia Mur.
2 Dec 2020

Un estudio que se publica en Nature muestra a la proteína mitocondrial ALDH4A1 como un nuevo autoantígeno implicado en los procesos de la aterosclerosis

27 Oct 2020

The finding provides a basis for mitigating the loss of muscle regenerative capacity in very elderly people.

16 Oct 2020

Scientists at the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC) review the roles of a groups of proteins called stress kinases in metabolism in an article published in Nature Reviews Endocrinology