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E.g., 10/01/2025
Dr. Alegre-Cebollada (center), Prof. Julio Fernández (left), and study author Carmen Badilla (right).
12 Jan 2018

Scientists at the CNIC and Columbia University have identified a new mechanism regulating the elasticity of titin, a protein with important roles in the function of skeletal and heart muscle

Dra. Silvia Martín-Puig y Dr. Miguel Torres
About the CNIC
13 Dec 2017

The project has been set up to examine how and why the capacity to develop new cardiac cells and repair the heart after an acute injury is lost with growth

About the CNIC
14 Nov 2017

4DHeart is a training Project that includes 12 European institutions for the training of young scientists

A 3-dimensional magnetic resonance image form a patient who has undergone an acute myocardial infarction. The heart is visible in the center of the image. Healthy (non-infarcted) cardiac muscle is indicated by asterisks, whereas arrows point to the infarcted region. MRI can reveal the extent of the area affected by inflammation after a heart attack (the yellow infarcted region marked by arrows). Serial MRI studies reveal thta this inflammatory reaction appears immediately after the infarction but then rapid
22 Aug 2017

The study overturns the dogma that infarction is followed by progressive repair of the injured myocardium.

Gonzalo Pizarro, David Sanz-Rosa, Borja Ibáñez, Jaime García-Prieto, Mónica Gómez, Rocío Villena, and Andrés Hidalgo.
18 Apr 2017

The beta-blocker metoprolol can limit cardiac damage in patients having a heart attack

: Prof. Miguel Torres and Prof. Nadia Mercader
About the CNIC
1 Mar 2017

The 4DHeart project is underpinned by a €1.5 million budget spread over 4 years

About the CNIC
13 Feb 2017

The MAPFRE, Pro CNIC Foundations and the Spanish Heart Foundation, together with the Community of Madrid, promote this campaign, which is celebrating its second anniversary

Foto. Primera fila desde la derecha a izquierda. Beatriz Palacios, Beatriz Escobar, Iván Menéndez-Montes, Silvia Martín-Puig. Segunda fila de dcha. a izqda.: José Luis Izquierdo, Luis Jesús Jiménez-Borreguero, Lorena Flores, Miguel Torres. Tercera fila de dcha. a izda.: Manuel José Gómez y Jesús Ruiz-Cabello.
20 Dec 2016

CNIC scientists demonstrate the fundamental importance of the hypoxia response in the maturation of the heart ventricles

 Photo: Gabriela Guzmán Martínez, José Jalife, Luis Jesús Jiménez Borreguero, Cristina González Gómez, José Rivera Torres, Vicente Andrés, and David Filgueiras.
2 Nov 2016

La información permitirá abrir nuevas líneas de investigación para el desarrollo de nuevas terapias dirigidas a corregir estos defectos que caracterizan a la progeria