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E.g., 06/10/2024
E.g., 06/10/2024
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About the CNIC
11 Jun 2024

iSuRe-HadCre promises to become an essential tool for biomedical research using mouse models to modify and understand gene function

Miembros del equipo del Dr. Miguel Torres.
About the CNIC
11 Apr 2024

The CNIC project will use innovative approaches to investigate cardiac regeneration

Neuregulin-1 induces changes in actin filaments during ventricular maturation. Actinin staining of a mouse embryo heart reveals a striated actin pattern corresponding to mature trabecular sarcomeres (green). The magnified view shows the differences in luminosity that distinguish the more organized actin filaments of the trabecular myocardium from the less organized compact layer
10 Nov 2023

Neuregulin-1 (Nrg1) plays an essential role in the transformation of the heart from its delicate primordial structure into the powerful beating mature organ 

En primer plano: Emilio Camafeita, Rui Benedito y Macarena Fernández; detrás, de izda. a dcha., Ana Dopazo, Jesús Vázquez, Alberto Benguria, Mariya Lytvyn, Severin Muhleder, Sofía Sánchez, Lourdes García.
29 May 2023

The new study, published in Nature Cardiovascular Research, will help to select the most effective and safe way to modulate angiogenesis in ischemic tissues or in cancer

Cellular and Molecular Sciences: Describen un nuevo mecanismo que relaciona la inflamación y el remodelado cardiovascular patológico
Microfotografía de una monocapa de cardiomiocitos derivados de células madre inducidas a la pluripotencia, representativa de las que se usaron para estudiar los mecanismos de arritmias y el rescate de la función normal por el gen que codifica a la sintrofina-α
29 Jun 2022

Investigadores del CNIC  revelan por primera los mecanismos moleculares que subyacen a las arritmias que ocurren en pacientes que padecen “Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne”

An optical section from a ventral view of a mouse embryo at embryonic day E8.0. The section is overlain with a cast of the three-dimensional shape of the forming heart (red) and the incipient circulatory system (purple).
17 May 2022

The 3D atlas has allowed the scientists to identify the beginning of left–right asymmetry in the heart

Dr. Cristóbal Belda se convirtió en el nuevo Director del Instituto de Salud Carlos III.