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About the CNIC
23 Apr 2018

The project is coordinated by Dr. José Antonio Enríquez and will receive funding worth $1350000 (€1.100.062) over the next 3 years

De izda. a dcha.: José Antonio Enriquez, María del Mar Muñoz, Fátima Sánchez-Cabo, Luis Jesús Jiménez-Borreguero, Rocío Nieto-Arellano, Andrés González-Guerra, Carlos Torroja, José María Castellanos, y Concepción Jiménez.
3 Apr 2018

The study is published in Science Translational Medicine and was conducted by researchers at the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (CNIC)

About the CNIC
21 Mar 2018

The OTRIs are intermediaries in the science-technology-enterprise system, and their mission is to boost relations among the agents of the system

Dr. Valentín Fuster
About the CNIC
19 Jan 2018

The results of our research will allow an economic return of the investment in terms of reduction in the waiting lists, better use of the equipment or a decrease in the costs of hospitalization

Foto de grupo
14 Nov 2017

The Fuster-BEWAT score evaluates five health indicators: blood pressure, physical activity, body-mass index (BMI), fruit and vegetable intake, and smoking status

Los participantes de la CNIC Conference
About the CNIC
13 Nov 2017

The CNIC Conference entitled “Atrial Fibrillation: from Mechanisms to Population Science”, joined together 126 world experts in the field of atrial fibrillation in very different areas of expertise

About the CNIC
6 Nov 2017

This award rewards individuals and legal entities and both Spanish and foreign entities that have distinguished themselves by the merits acquired in the fields of education, science, culture, teaching and research or that have rendered outstanding services in any of these fields in Spain or internationally

A 3-dimensional magnetic resonance image form a patient who has undergone an acute myocardial infarction. The heart is visible in the center of the image. Healthy (non-infarcted) cardiac muscle is indicated by asterisks, whereas arrows point to the infarcted region. MRI can reveal the extent of the area affected by inflammation after a heart attack (the yellow infarcted region marked by arrows). Serial MRI studies reveal thta this inflammatory reaction appears immediately after the infarction but then rapid
22 Aug 2017

The study overturns the dogma that infarction is followed by progressive repair of the injured myocardium.

3D ultrasound of the right carotid artery. An atherosclerotic plaque is visible as a small protrusion (arrow) in the vessel wall of the internal branch of the proximal carotid artery (bottom), close to the bifurcation. In contrast, the surface of the disease-free external branch (top) is smooth (asterisk).
24 Jul 2017

CNIC researchers show the value of total atherosclerosis burden for the identification of individuals at risk of cardiovascular disease

Dr. Fuster participates in the presentation of the report “Global Health and the Future Role of the United States”
About the CNIC
17 May 2017

In September 2016, the General Director of CNIC was appointed co-director of the committee “Global Health and the Future Role of the United States”.