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E.g., 03/07/2024
3D reconstructions of superior (left) and inferior (right) brain regions, showing regions with lower metabolism associated with the presence of atherosclerotic plaques in the carotid arteries. The color code indicates the magnitude of the observation (yellow, strong association; red, lower association). Gray indicates areas showing no association with carotid plaque presence
15 Feb 2021

Among the modifiable cardiovascular risk factors showing a close association with reduced brain metabolism, the research team found that the most important is hypertension

Marta Amorós Pérez, Virginia Zorita, Nuria Matesanz, Marian Zuriaga y José Javier Fuster.
About the CNIC
23 Dec 2020

The project will investigate the role of clonal hematopoiesis—the formation of mutated hematopoietic stem-cell clones promoted by anti-cancer therapies—in the development of atherosclerosis and associated cardiovascular disease

29 Sep 2020

The study, published in JACC, forms part of the PESA-CNIC-SANTANDER project, led by Dr Valentín Fuster

17 Sep 2020

The results published in Nature Metabolism could be useful to design new treatments for the obese and overweight, and for some associated pathologies, including fatty liver disease and type 2 diabetes

16 Sep 2020

The study published in Cell shows that macrophages, a type of immune cell, help cardiac cells to get rid of their waste material, and that this maintains the metabolic and contractile properties of the heart

30 Jul 2020

CNIC study shows that selection between mitochondrial genomes depends on how each type of mitochondria affects cell metabolism

30 Jul 2020

The study, published in Nature, shows that sodium controls hypoxic signaling in the mitochondrial respiratory chain

25 Jun 2020

The regulatory protein SCAF1 enables mitochondria to adapt to the available nutrient source of sugars, fats, or proteins

7 May 2020

Research could change standard of care protocols to prevent clotting associated with coronavirus

En la imagen se muestra con un asterisco la presencia de una placa de aterosclerosis avanzada en la carótida común detectada por la técnica de ecografía 3D que no llega a ocasionar una obstrucción significativa de la luz del vaso (es <50%). Se puede comprobar con precisión su extensión en las 3 dimensiones del espacio lo que nos permite detectar cambios en su volumen para determinar si existe un avance de la enfermedad.
7 Apr 2020

A CNIC study published in JACC demonstrates that atheroma plaques extend rapidly in the arteries of asymptomatic individuals aged between 40 and 50 years participating in the PESA-CNIC-Santander study.