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E.g., 22/07/2024
E.g., 22/07/2024
María García García, Miguel Ángel del Pozo Barriuso, Sara Sánchez Perales, Laura Sotodosos-Alonso, Enrique Calvo, Jesús Vázquez y Asier Echarri
3 Mar 2022

Most biological processes require the import to the cell nucleus of key regulatory factors; one of the most important of these factors is the protein YAP

29 Jun 2021

A study published in JACC shows that excess circulating triglyceride concentrations are associated with subclinical atherosclerosis and vascular inflammation in individuals with low-to-moderate cardiovascular risk according to standard scores

Skeletal staining of the inferior limb regions of normal embryos, embryos with a single Meis allele, and an embryo with complete absence of Meis. Embryos with a single copy of Meis lack the fibula and posterior digits (black arrow). Total absence of Meis prevents limb development (white arrow).
2 Jun 2021

The study, published in Nature Communications, reveals that Meis transcription factors are essential for the formation and antero-posterior patterning of the limbs during embryonic development 

First biomarker in blood that distinguishes myocarditis from an acute myocardial infarction
27 May 2021

The diagnosis of acute myocarditis is challenging, and the availability of a sensitive and specific early marker of acute myocardial inflammation could have a major impact on its clinical diagnosis

Mª Ángeles Zuriaga, Mirian Díez, Fátima Sánchez-Cabo, Ana Dopazo, José Javier Fuster, Ana Quintas y Jorge de la Barrera.
5 Apr 2021

The study, carried out at the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC) and the Hospital Universitario Virgen de Arrixaca in Murcia, establishes clonal hematopoiesis as a new cardiovascular risk factor and an important link between aging and cardiovascular disease

3D reconstructions of superior (left) and inferior (right) brain regions, showing regions with lower metabolism associated with the presence of atherosclerotic plaques in the carotid arteries. The color code indicates the magnitude of the observation (yellow, strong association; red, lower association). Gray indicates areas showing no association with carotid plaque presence
15 Feb 2021

Among the modifiable cardiovascular risk factors showing a close association with reduced brain metabolism, the research team found that the most important is hypertension

Dr. Filip Swirski
About the CNIC
28 Feb 2020

Dr. Filip Swirski is associate professor at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital (USA) and one of the leading experts on the relationship between sleep and heart disease

About the CNIC
30 Oct 2019

One of the diseases most affected by aging is cardiovascular illness. In fact, it is already considered the most important risk factor for this disease

About the CNIC
30 Oct 2019

The project aims to study how certain mutations acquired in blood cells and traditionally associated with a high risk of developing leukemia can also contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease and become a new and independent cardiovascular risk factor to classical factors

8 Jan 2019

The expression on lymphocytes of the molecule CD69 inversely predicts the development of subclinical (symptom-free) atherosclerosis independently of classical cardiovascular risk factors