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E.g., 18/07/2024
Alfonso Mora, Ayelén Santamans, Luis Leiva, Guadalupe Sabio, José Antonio Enríquez y Barbara Gonzalez Terán.
24 Nov 2021

The study, published in PLoS Biology, shows for the first time that cardiac metabolism in the postnatal period determines the regulation of metabolism in the whole body

Rebeca Piñeiro, Joaquim Grego-Bessa, Vitor Samuel Leite, Luis luna-Zurita
12 Nov 2021

A study published in Science Advances shows that the gene GPR126, while not required for the development of the heart, plays an essential role in the formation of the placenta, the gestational organ that nourishes the fetus

De izquierda a derecha: Enrique Lara-Pezzi, Laura Lalaguna, Laura Ramos, Elena González, María Villalba, Claudia Camarero, Marina López, Betel Olaizola, Ascensión Rey, Carlos Martí, Elísabet Bello y Javier Larrasa
3 Sep 2021

The new findings, published in Circulation Research, could spur the development of new tools for the treatment of cardiac hypertrophy

About the CNIC
2 Aug 2021

Akiko Iwasaki, with some other scientists, helped create a plan to stop Covid-19. She has also spoken out about the barrier’s women face in the field of biology

Grupo de la Dra. Priori
21 Jul 2021

The research team led by project leader Dr Silvia Priori is confident that the discovery of new therapies will reduce the mortality linked to this disease and could also reduce arrhythmias in heart failure patients

29 Jun 2021

A study published in JACC shows that excess circulating triglyceride concentrations are associated with subclinical atherosclerosis and vascular inflammation in individuals with low-to-moderate cardiovascular risk according to standard scores

Borja Ibáñez
About the CNIC
10 Jun 2021

The €35,000 awarded by the foundation in each category is for research that deepens knowledge of the relationship between nutrition, food and health

About the CNIC
9 Jun 2021

The study, published in Nature in 2019, revealed relevant data about the involvement of the protein p38gamma in the development of the main type of primary liver cancer, which affects over a million people a year worldwide

Skeletal staining of the inferior limb regions of normal embryos, embryos with a single Meis allele, and an embryo with complete absence of Meis. Embryos with a single copy of Meis lack the fibula and posterior digits (black arrow). Total absence of Meis prevents limb development (white arrow).
2 Jun 2021

The study, published in Nature Communications, reveals that Meis transcription factors are essential for the formation and antero-posterior patterning of the limbs during embryonic development