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E.g., 25/07/2024
Borja Ibáñez
About the CNIC
10 Jun 2021

The €35,000 awarded by the foundation in each category is for research that deepens knowledge of the relationship between nutrition, food and health

About the CNIC
9 Jun 2021

The study, published in Nature in 2019, revealed relevant data about the involvement of the protein p38gamma in the development of the main type of primary liver cancer, which affects over a million people a year worldwide

Scheme of a cMyBP-C region in which mutations cause amino-acid changes that alter the mechanical properties of the protein. The positions of the affected amino acids are shown in red.
7 Jun 2021

A team led by Dr. Jorge Alegre-Cebollada has shown, for the first time, an association between hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and mechanical alterations to a component of the contractile machinery of the heart

First biomarker in blood that distinguishes myocarditis from an acute myocardial infarction
27 May 2021

The diagnosis of acute myocarditis is challenging, and the availability of a sensitive and specific early marker of acute myocardial inflammation could have a major impact on its clinical diagnosis

Sanchez Madrid receives the Santiago Ramón Cajal National Prize in the area of Biology
About the CNIC
18 May 2021

The Spanish National Prizes for Research, created in 1982, are the most important awards in Spain in the area of scientific research.

Dr. Miguel Torres
About the CNIC
10 May 2021

Dr. Torres is a member of the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO). Dr. Miguel Torres’s scientific research focuses on the regulation of embryonic development and the formation and regeneration of organs.

Mª Ángeles Zuriaga, Mirian Díez, Fátima Sánchez-Cabo, Ana Dopazo, José Javier Fuster, Ana Quintas y Jorge de la Barrera.
5 Apr 2021

The study, carried out at the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC) and the Hospital Universitario Virgen de Arrixaca in Murcia, establishes clonal hematopoiesis as a new cardiovascular risk factor and an important link between aging and cardiovascular disease

Valentín Fuster
About the CNIC
25 Feb 2021

Dr Valentín Fuster, Director of the Spanish National Centre for Cardiovascular Research (CNIC) is to receive the Gold Medal of the Association of Cardiovascular Imaging of the Spanish Society of Cardiology (SEC) for his original and innovative scientific activity in cardiovascular imaging to reach new frontiers in cardiovascular health of the heart and brain.

Manuel José Gómez, Ester Marina-Zárate, Almudena Ramiro, Ana Dopazo, Irene Fernández-Delgado, Francisco Sánchez-Madrid y Diego Calzada-Fraile
3 Feb 2021

Researchers at the CNIC have discovered that dendritic cells, which initiate specific immune responses, can reprogram their genes to improve their immune response

Irene Fernández-Nueda, Carlos Cerón y Marta Cortés-Canteli
About the CNIC
15 Dec 2020

The BioClotAD project, coordinated by CNIC scientist Dr Marta Cortés Canteli, has been selected by the EU Joint Programme – Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND)