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E.g., 23/11/2024
Dr. García Pavía
21 May 2023

The team led by Dr. Pablo García-Pavía, based at the CNIC and Hospital Puerta de Hierro, has published the first study of a drug able to remove amyloid deposits from the heart

Imágenes del corazón obtenidas mediante resonancia magnética en las que se analizan distintas estructuras de la anatomía y función del corazón: aurículas (paneles A y B), ventrículos (paneles C y D), características del tejido cardiaco (paneles E y F).
3 Mar 2023

The results, published in eClinicalMedicine, have direct implications for clinical practice by providing a list of reference values for a multitude of cardiac parameters used in daily practice

Cells use two mechanisms to detect force: one gradual and progressive mediated by newly identified large membrane depressions called dolines (left); the other abrupt, activated above a certain threshold, and mediated by minute membrane invaginations called caveolae (right).
23 Dec 2022

A study published in Nature Cell Biology confirms that caveolae are essential for the mechanical responses of tissues subject to large mechanical forces (such as muscle, heart, blood vessels, and fat), whereas larger membrane depressions (termed 'dolines') are important for the response to weak or medium-strength forces

Cellular and Molecular Sciences: Describen un nuevo mecanismo que relaciona la inflamación y el remodelado cardiovascular patológico
Los adolescentes que duermen menos de 8 horas tienen más probabilidades de tener sobrepeso u obesidad
29 Aug 2022

Excess weight and metabolic syndrome are associated with cardiovascular disease, suggesting that health promotion programs in schools should teach good sleep habits

Microfotografía de una monocapa de cardiomiocitos derivados de células madre inducidas a la pluripotencia, representativa de las que se usaron para estudiar los mecanismos de arritmias y el rescate de la función normal por el gen que codifica a la sintrofina-α
29 Jun 2022

Investigadores del CNIC  revelan por primera los mecanismos moleculares que subyacen a las arritmias que ocurren en pacientes que padecen “Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne”

Juan Domingo Gisbert
About the CNIC
24 Jun 2022

Juan Domingo Gispert López, head of the Barcelonaβeta Brain Research Center and CNIC (Spanish National Centre for Cardiovascular Research) researcher

An optical section from a ventral view of a mouse embryo at embryonic day E8.0. The section is overlain with a cast of the three-dimensional shape of the forming heart (red) and the incipient circulatory system (purple).
17 May 2022

The 3D atlas has allowed the scientists to identify the beginning of left–right asymmetry in the heart

Dr. Cristóbal Belda se convirtió en el nuevo Director del Instituto de Salud Carlos III.