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E.g., 13/03/2025
E.g., 13/03/2025
Anagha Jagannathan, Carlos Real Jiménez, Laura Cádiz, Sofía Trigo Anca, Anabel Díaz-Guerra Priego, Miguel Fernández Tocino, Carlos Galán Arriola, Borja Ibáñez, Agustín Clemente Moragón, Sandra Gomez, Ana Devesa, Juan Rene Delgado Cornejo, Danielle Medina-Hernandez, Warren Alexander Skoza, Lucía Pilar López Palomar, Nico Hoffmann, Carlos Caballero Henares and Ángela Pollán García.
4 Feb 2025

The study, published in JACC: CardioOncology, shows that administration of the SGLT2 inhibitor empagliflozin to pigs receiving anthracyclines preserves mitochondrial function, improves myocardial energetics, and prevents degenerative changes in heart structure

About the CNIC
30 Sep 2024
Rebecca F. Gottesman
Dra. Cintia Folgueira Cobos GALARDONADA con el Premio Rising Star 2024
About the CNIC
8 Mar 2024
Neuregulin-1 induces changes in actin filaments during ventricular maturation. Actinin staining of a mouse embryo heart reveals a striated actin pattern corresponding to mature trabecular sarcomeres (green). The magnified view shows the differences in luminosity that distinguish the more organized actin filaments of the trabecular myocardium from the less organized compact layer
10 Nov 2023

Neuregulin-1 (Nrg1) plays an essential role in the transformation of the heart from its delicate primordial structure into the powerful beating mature organ 

la Dra. Mercedes Ricote y la Dra. Ana Paredes
About the CNIC
29 Sep 2023

The Spanish National Centre for Cardiovascular Research (CNIC) researcher Dr Ana Paredes has won the International Birnstiel Award 2023

Dr. García Pavía
21 May 2023

The team led by Dr. Pablo García-Pavía, based at the CNIC and Hospital Puerta de Hierro, has published the first study of a drug able to remove amyloid deposits from the heart

La figura muestra imágenes mediante resonancia magnética cardíaca (A y B) y tomografía computarizada (C y D) de un corazón en diástole (A y C) y sístole (B y D) para el cálculo de la función de ambos ventrículos. VD: Ventrículo derecho; VI: Ventrículo izquierdo.
12 Dec 2022

The results of the SPHERE-HF study are published in the European Journal of Heart Failure. SPHERE-HF is a multicenter academic clinical trial led by investigators at the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC) and Hospital Clínic de Barcelona