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About the CNIC
8 Mar 2024
Carla Rothlin
About the CNIC
19 Dec 2023

Dr. Carla Rothlin is Dorys McConnell Duberg Professor of Immunobiology and Professor of Pharmacology at the Yale School of Medicine, and co-leader of the Cancer Immunology Programme at Yale Cancer Centre. She studied biochemistry and pharmacology at the University of Buenos Aires, where she also undertook her postgraduate research under the direction of Dr. Ana Belén Elgoyhen, focussing on nicotinic receptors expressed in the inner ear. Later, she completed her doctorate and moved to San Diego to join Dr. Greg Lemke’s laboratory at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies. In 2009, Dr. Rothlin was named Assistant Professor in Immunobiology at Yale Medical School

Neuregulin-1 induces changes in actin filaments during ventricular maturation. Actinin staining of a mouse embryo heart reveals a striated actin pattern corresponding to mature trabecular sarcomeres (green). The magnified view shows the differences in luminosity that distinguish the more organized actin filaments of the trabecular myocardium from the less organized compact layer
10 Nov 2023

Neuregulin-1 (Nrg1) plays an essential role in the transformation of the heart from its delicate primordial structure into the powerful beating mature organ 

la Dra. Mercedes Ricote y la Dra. Ana Paredes
About the CNIC
29 Sep 2023

The Spanish National Centre for Cardiovascular Research (CNIC) researcher Dr Ana Paredes has won the International Birnstiel Award 2023

Dr. García Pavía
21 May 2023

The team led by Dr. Pablo García-Pavía, based at the CNIC and Hospital Puerta de Hierro, has published the first study of a drug able to remove amyloid deposits from the heart

La figura muestra imágenes mediante resonancia magnética cardíaca (A y B) y tomografía computarizada (C y D) de un corazón en diástole (A y C) y sístole (B y D) para el cálculo de la función de ambos ventrículos. VD: Ventrículo derecho; VI: Ventrículo izquierdo.
12 Dec 2022

The results of the SPHERE-HF study are published in the European Journal of Heart Failure. SPHERE-HF is a multicenter academic clinical trial led by investigators at the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC) and Hospital Clínic de Barcelona

La Dra. Karina Yaniv es conocida por sus contribuciones al campo del desarrollo vascular
About the CNIC
2 Aug 2021

Akiko Iwasaki, with some other scientists, helped create a plan to stop Covid-19. She has also spoken out about the barrier’s women face in the field of biology