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E.g., 03/10/2024
E.g., 03/10/2024
Alejo Rodríguez-Fraticelli
De izda. a dcha.: Gema González, Estefanía Núñez, Sergio Callejas, Juan Carlos Silla, Enrique Lara-Pezzi, Valentín Fuster, Fátima Sánchez Cabo, José Javier Fuster, Ana Dopazo, Borja Ibáñez, Marta Cortés, Alberto Benguría y Antonio Quesada.
21 Jun 2023

A new CNIC study shows that low-grade systemic inflammation triggered by subcinical atherosclerosis accelerates epigenetic aging in otherwise healthy young individuals

Análisis de muestras humanas y experimentos en animales demuestran que la presencia de mutaciones en el gen p53 en sangre aumenta el riesgo de desarrollar aterosclerosis, la principal causa de enfermedad cardiovascular.
16 Jan 2023

A CNIC study extends the understanding of how acquired mutations in blood cells act as a new cardiovascular risk factor

Cells use two mechanisms to detect force: one gradual and progressive mediated by newly identified large membrane depressions called dolines (left); the other abrupt, activated above a certain threshold, and mediated by minute membrane invaginations called caveolae (right).
23 Dec 2022

A study published in Nature Cell Biology confirms that caveolae are essential for the mechanical responses of tissues subject to large mechanical forces (such as muscle, heart, blood vessels, and fat), whereas larger membrane depressions (termed 'dolines') are important for the response to weak or medium-strength forces

Las células senescentes (mostradas por luminiscencia) aparecieron en el hombro de ratón después de la lesión
19 Dec 2022

The finding provides a basis for mitigating the loss of muscle regenerative capacity in elderly people and for improving muscle repair in young healthy people

Mercedes Ricote, María Piedad Menéndez-Gutiérrez,  Jesús Porcuna,  Ana Paredes, Vanessa Núñez e Irene Calero.
15 Dec 2022

A CNIC team has shown that the  retinoid and unsaturated fatty acid sensor RXR is a key protein in the maintenance of a balanced production of the different types of blood cells

Fibroblasto embrionario murino Cav1KO (izquierda, sin caveolas) muestra un mayor reclutamiento de integrina beta 1 activa (magenta) en torno a bolitas recubiertas con fibronectina, en comparación con un fibroblasto embrionario murino Cav1WT (derecha, con caveolas).
13 Dec 2022

A new study published in eLife shows that small cups or nanofolds on the cell membrane called caveolae, by limiting abrupt changes in membrane tension, regulate the number and activity of mechanical microsensors on the cell surface called integrins

Transverse heart sections from wild type mice (WT) and transgenic mice overexpressing beta-3 adrenergic receptor in cardiomyocytes (c-h3tg) after 3 months of aortic stenosis (transaortic constriction, TAC) or control (sham). Hypertrophy after TAC was less severe in the transgenic mice
29 Nov 2022

The experimental study, led by researchers at the CNIC, shows that boosting the expression of this adrenalin receptor in heart cells improves mitochondrial function in the heart

Cellular and Molecular Sciences: Describen un nuevo mecanismo que relaciona la inflamación y el remodelado cardiovascular patológico
About the CNIC
23 Aug 2022

The finding provides a basis for mitigating the loss of muscle regenerative capacity in elderly people