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: Prof. Miguel Torres and Prof. Nadia Mercader
About the CNIC
1 Mar 2017

The 4DHeart project is underpinned by a €1.5 million budget spread over 4 years

About the CNIC
13 Feb 2017

The MAPFRE, Pro CNIC Foundations and the Spanish Heart Foundation, together with the Community of Madrid, promote this campaign, which is celebrating its second anniversary

Sra. Dña Icíar Areilza Carvaja; Sr. D. Julián Carlos Gállego, Director ejecutivo de la secretaria técnica de presidencia la Caixa; Sr. D. Pablo Fernández-Olano Martínez-Cattaneo, Director de Rel.Institucionales, Endesa; Sr. D. Francisco de Bergia González, Director de Asuntos Públicos de Presidencia de Telefónica ; Sr. D. Fernando Gutiérrez Junquera, Adjunto al Presidente, BBVA; Sr. D. Carlos Martínez Echavarría, Patrono de la Fundación Ramón Areces; Sra. Dña. Rosa María Sanz García, directora general de Re
About the CNIC
10 Feb 2017

Dr. Valentín Fuster, General Director of CNIC and Luis de Carlos, President of the Board of Trustees of the Pro CNIC Foundation, explained to Their Majesties some of CNIC’s and Pro CNIC Foundation’s most important research projects

Foto. Primera fila desde la derecha a izquierda. Beatriz Palacios, Beatriz Escobar, Iván Menéndez-Montes, Silvia Martín-Puig. Segunda fila de dcha. a izqda.: José Luis Izquierdo, Luis Jesús Jiménez-Borreguero, Lorena Flores, Miguel Torres. Tercera fila de dcha. a izda.: Manuel José Gómez y Jesús Ruiz-Cabello.
20 Dec 2016

CNIC scientists demonstrate the fundamental importance of the hypoxia response in the maturation of the heart ventricles

 Photo: Gabriela Guzmán Martínez, José Jalife, Luis Jesús Jiménez Borreguero, Cristina González Gómez, José Rivera Torres, Vicente Andrés, and David Filgueiras.
2 Nov 2016

La información permitirá abrir nuevas líneas de investigación para el desarrollo de nuevas terapias dirigidas a corregir estos defectos que caracterizan a la progeria

Tania Aguado, Carlota Sánchez-Ferrer, Esther Aix y Ignacio Flores.
1 Jun 2016

The findings, published in The Journal of Cell Biology (JCB), could point the way to future interventions to increase the regenerative capacity of the mammalian heart 

Beatriz Ornés, Paula Yunes, Rebeca Acín, Pablo Gómez-del Arco, Juan Miguel Redondo, José Luis de la Pompa y Luis Jesús Jiménez-Borreguero
About the CNIC
11 May 2016

The results could form the basis for the development of future interventions in certain heart conditions and myopathies

Valentín Fuster, Director del CNIC, Jerome Boesch, Presidente y Consejero Delegado de Danone S.A., y Luis de Carlos, Presidente de la Fundación Pro CNIC
9 Mar 2016

A new agreement confirms the joint commitment of the public and private sectors to reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

22 Jan 2016

The study opens the way to the design of treatments for heart failure caused by excessive growth of the heart