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E.g., 02/10/2024
E.g., 02/10/2024
Cardiovascular risk factors (particularly metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, and diabetes) alter coronary microvascular function and increase the risk of atherosclerotic disease, which itself leads to changes in the coronary microcirculation.
19 Sep 2024

A study from CNIC reveals how risk factors and subclinical atherosclerosis affect heart microcirculation in asymptomatic middle-aged individuals. The research, published in JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging, highlights the importance of assessing the heart vessels' ability to regulate blood flow and predict future cardiovascular risk

Representative results from participants showing atherosclerosis progression (left) and regression (disappearance of plaques, right) in arteries of the neck (carotids) and groin (femorals). Each image pair shows the results of the initial study at baseline and the follow-up study of the same artery 6 years later. The images show representative vascular ultrasound images on the right and 3-dimensional reconstructions on the left.
20 Nov 2023

Atherosclerosis, previously believed to be an irreversible progressive disease, can be reversed if risk factors are contolled early enough

2 Oct 2023

Scientists at the CNIC have discovered that metabolic cardiovascular risk factors diminish the capacity of the heart to use glucose as an energy source

Análisis de muestras humanas y experimentos en animales demuestran que la presencia de mutaciones en el gen p53 en sangre aumenta el riesgo de desarrollar aterosclerosis, la principal causa de enfermedad cardiovascular.
16 Jan 2023

A CNIC study extends the understanding of how acquired mutations in blood cells act as a new cardiovascular risk factor

Cells use two mechanisms to detect force: one gradual and progressive mediated by newly identified large membrane depressions called dolines (left); the other abrupt, activated above a certain threshold, and mediated by minute membrane invaginations called caveolae (right).
23 Dec 2022

A study published in Nature Cell Biology confirms that caveolae are essential for the mechanical responses of tissues subject to large mechanical forces (such as muscle, heart, blood vessels, and fat), whereas larger membrane depressions (termed 'dolines') are important for the response to weak or medium-strength forces

Mercedes Ricote, María Piedad Menéndez-Gutiérrez,  Jesús Porcuna,  Ana Paredes, Vanessa Núñez e Irene Calero.
15 Dec 2022

A CNIC team has shown that the  retinoid and unsaturated fatty acid sensor RXR is a key protein in the maintenance of a balanced production of the different types of blood cells

José Javier Fuster
About the CNIC
23 Feb 2022

Researchers from the CNIC and Columbia University (USA) review the role of acquired mutations and clonal hematopoiesis in cardiovascular disease

Association between the level of glycosylated hemoglobin and the extent of subclinical atherosclerosis
31 May 2021

In an article published in JACC, CNIC scientists report a method for improved ranking of cardiovascular risk in individuals without diabetes

First biomarker in blood that distinguishes myocarditis from an acute myocardial infarction
27 May 2021

The diagnosis of acute myocarditis is challenging, and the availability of a sensitive and specific early marker of acute myocardial inflammation could have a major impact on its clinical diagnosis

Jesús Vázquez, Jacob Fog Bentzon, Emilio Camafeita y Esmeralda Lewis.
About the CNIC
13 Apr 2021

The new insight supports the need to keep both LDL cholesterol and blood pressure low throughout life by healthy diet choices, weight control, exercise, and, when needed, by drug therapy