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About the CNIC
10 Dec 2020

AngioUnrestUHD, will develop and apply new research tools and methods to advance knowledge about the biology of blood vessels in distinct physiological and pathological contexts

7 May 2020

Research could change standard of care protocols to prevent clotting associated with coronavirus

About the CNIC
30 Oct 2019

The project aims to study how certain mutations acquired in blood cells and traditionally associated with a high risk of developing leukemia can also contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease and become a new and independent cardiovascular risk factor to classical factors

8 Jan 2019

The expression on lymphocytes of the molecule CD69 inversely predicts the development of subclinical (symptom-free) atherosclerosis independently of classical cardiovascular risk factors

Bertie Göttgens y Miguel Manzanares
About the CNIC
27 Jul 2018

Dr. Göttgens gave the conference "Cellular States, Differentiation Trajectories and Regulatory Networks of Blood Cell Development" at the CNIC Seminar cycle, invited by Dr. Miguel Manzanares.

De izquierda a derecha, Emilio Camafeita, Vanessa Núñez, Cristina Clemente, Alicia G. Arroyo, Laura Alonso-Herranz, Cristina Rius y Vicente Andrés.
2 Mar 2018

The study, published in Nature Communications, shows that blockade of the protease MT4-MMP increases the activity of blood-patrolling monocytes in the circulation.

Foto de grupo
14 Nov 2017

The Fuster-BEWAT score evaluates five health indicators: blood pressure, physical activity, body-mass index (BMI), fruit and vegetable intake, and smoking status

Ángel Álvarez Prado, Prof. Jesús Vázquez, Juan Antonio López del Olmo, Dra. Almudena Ramiro y Dra. Virginia G. de Yébenes
22 Feb 2017

Every year 400000 people are diagnosed with lymphoma, and 200000 people die from the consequences of this blood cancer

Ignacio Flores, Juan M. Fernández-Alvira, Valentín Fuster, Vicente Andrés y Beatriz Dorado
24 May 2016

Half of patients with CVD show no above-normal risk of developing the disease on the basis of classical risk factors, such as high cholesterol, smoking, lack of exercise, and high blood pressure

22 Jan 2016

The study opens the way to the design of treatments for heart failure caused by excessive growth of the heart