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About the CNIC
26 Feb 2018

The Pro CNIC Foundation, presided by Luis de Carlos Beltran, demonstrates in this way once again, the great commitment of the companies that comprise it

Photo 1: The authors are holding in their hands illustrations of cells expressing different combinations of membrane and nuclei fluorescent proteins. This corresponds to the method we developed (present in the article) to differentially label cells expressing different genes (with the codes A to F). Each cell expresses a different combination of 2 genes from a pool of 6 different genes (A, B, C, D, E, and F).
10 Aug 2017

The study, published in Cell, will allow any researcher to induce multispectral genetic mosaics in vertebrate research models such as mice and zebrafish

About the CNIC
1 Jun 2017

Dr. Ibáñez, Director of Clinical Research at the CNIC, has received an award for his contribution to the fight against cardiovascular diseases

10 Jan 2017

The findings, published in Nature Medicine, suggest a major potential for NOS2 inhibitors in the treatment of thoracic aortic aneurysa

 Photo: Gabriela Guzmán Martínez, José Jalife, Luis Jesús Jiménez Borreguero, Cristina González Gómez, José Rivera Torres, Vicente Andrés, and David Filgueiras.
2 Nov 2016

La información permitirá abrir nuevas líneas de investigación para el desarrollo de nuevas terapias dirigidas a corregir estos defectos que caracterizan a la progeria

About the CNIC
9 Sep 2016

El Consejo de la SEBBM ha reconocido la excelente calidad de las investigaciones de la investigadora del CNIC

23 Aug 2016

Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) Publishes Data Assessing the Impact of Medication Adherence on Long-term Cardiovascular Outcomes and Cost

Ecógrafo General Electric Vivid E9 de humanos
22 Mar 2016

Investigadores del Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud (IACS) de Zaragoza y del Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (CNIC) de Madrid han descrito un método para el diagnóstico precoz de la arteriosclerosis.

From left to right, Dr. Guadalupe Sabio, Bárbara González-Terán, Nuria Matesanz, and Ivanna Nikolic.
About the CNIC
3 Feb 2016

The proteins p38 gamma and p38 delta control the accumulation of fat in the liver