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E.g., 22/07/2024
E.g., 22/07/2024
Dr. Pablo García-Pavía y Dr. Jesús Gonzalez Mirelis, codirectores del trabajo.
22 Jul 2022

Genetic screening combined with the detection of fibrosis identifies patients at risk of malignant arrhythmias or developing heart failure with severe complications

Juan Domingo Gisbert
About the CNIC
24 Jun 2022

Juan Domingo Gispert López, head of the Barcelonaβeta Brain Research Center and CNIC (Spanish National Centre for Cardiovascular Research) researcher

Daño local en las fibras musculares tras el ejercicio. Visualización del daño local en fibras de músculo esquelético (soleous y gastro) de ratón joven tras el ejercicio, mediante la tinción con marcadores de daño local como Filamina C (verde) y Evans Blue (rojo), y los núcleos (en azul) de fibras.
18 Oct 2021

Researchers from the National Center for Cardiovascular Research and the Pompeu Fabra University describe in Science a new mechanism for muscle regeneration after physiological damage

About the CNIC
6 Aug 2021

CNIC and the Mario Negri Institute in Milan (Italy) coordinate REBOOT, a project that aims to study whether treatment with beta-blockers is beneficial for patients who have suffered a myocardial infarction

About the CNIC
9 Jun 2021

The study, published in Nature in 2019, revealed relevant data about the involvement of the protein p38gamma in the development of the main type of primary liver cancer, which affects over a million people a year worldwide

About the CNIC
10 Dec 2020

'ProtMechanics-Live' is based on unique expertise in protein mechanics and engineering, biophysics, biochemistry and cardiovascular biology and will allow to investigate protein mechanics for the first time in its functionally relevant physiological context

Primera fila:  Irene Fernández-Nueda, Marta Cortés-Canteli, Valentín Fuster, Ana Marcos-Díaz y Borja Ibáñez. Detrás: Javier Sánchez-González, Carlos Cerón y Sergio Callejas.
9 Oct 2019

Treatment of mice for 12 months with the anticoagulant drug dabigatran prevented memory loss and preserved cerebral circulation

23 Aug 2016

Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) Publishes Data Assessing the Impact of Medication Adherence on Long-term Cardiovascular Outcomes and Cost