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E.g., 05/07/2024
E.g., 05/07/2024
Alejo Rodríguez-Fraticelli
Mercedes Ricote, María Piedad Menéndez-Gutiérrez,  Jesús Porcuna,  Ana Paredes, Vanessa Núñez e Irene Calero.
15 Dec 2022

A CNIC team has shown that the  retinoid and unsaturated fatty acid sensor RXR is a key protein in the maintenance of a balanced production of the different types of blood cells

An optical section from a ventral view of a mouse embryo at embryonic day E8.0. The section is overlain with a cast of the three-dimensional shape of the forming heart (red) and the incipient circulatory system (purple).
17 May 2022

The 3D atlas has allowed the scientists to identify the beginning of left–right asymmetry in the heart

18 Apr 2022

The research will provide insights into the development of potential treatments for neurological diseases and obesity, among other human conditions

De izda. a dcha.: Verónica Casquero, Sofía Sánchez, Irene García, Macarena Fernández, Wen Luo, Severin Muhleder, Lourdes García, Rui Benedito
9 Dec 2020

Científicos del CNIC han descubierto un mecanismo celular y molecular que puede ayudar a promover la arterialización y perfusión en los tejidos que han sufrido una reducción del riego sanguíneo.

De izda. a dcha: Almudena Ramiro, Virginia García de Yébenes, Ángel Alvarez-Prado, Carlos Torroja y Alberto Benguria.
1 Feb 2018

The researchers have identified a collection of almost 300 genes mutated by AID, with some of the mutations found recurrently in human tumors and lymphomas

(From left to right) Doctors Carolina Villarroya-Beltrí, Francisco Sánchez-Madrid and Francesc Baixauli, and Doctoral students Irene Fernández-Delgado and Daniel Torralba
25 Nov 2016

The study describes a cell signal that controls intercellular communication and could play a central role in biomedical strategies such as gene therapy, vaccine design, and immunotherapy

About the CNIC
9 Jan 2013

En un trabajo previo, parte de los investigadores mostraron que ratones deficientes en el gen Polµ presentaban una capacidad reducida de reparación del daño celular y eran radiosensibles