The Minister for Science, Innovation, and Universities, Pedro Duque, attended the Pro CNIC Foundation Board of Trustees meeting

The Minister for Science, Innovation, and Universities, Pedro Duque, accompanied by Secretary of State for Science Pablo Martín, attended the meeting of the Pro CNIC Foundation Board of Trustees. The meeting was chaired by Pro CNIC Foundation
President Luis de Carlos and provided an overview of the foundation’s activities. Pedro Duque and CNIC General Director Valentín Fuster released a joint statement in which they emphasized the need for governments to encourage private
investment in scientific projects by creating the conditions to ensure the profitability of this type of enterprise and providing public funds where necessary. In his summary the Minister highlighted the importance of these measures:
“There is much at stake, and the longer we delay taking the necessary measures, the harder the task will be in the future.”
Raquel Yotti, new Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) Director, visits the CNIC
The new Director of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), Raquel Yotti Álvarez, was shown round the CNIC by Managing Director Alberto Sanz and Research Directors Vicente Andrés and Borja Ibáñez. Yotti, accompanied by Margarita Blázquez
Herranz, Subdirector of the ISCIII Redes y Centros de Investigación Cooperativa, learned about the CNIC’s major projects and visited some of the Center’s laboratories.