Associate Professor to lead a research line in the field of cardiovascular health promotion

Fin del plazo de presentación de solicitudes: 
Jueves, 15 Agosto, 2024

The Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (F.S.P.) CNIC has been conceived to develop research of excellence, competitive and of international relevance in relation to cardiovascular diseases. The CNIC has a research center of 24,000 m2, located in Madrid, with more than 6,000 m2 for laboratories equipped with a state-of-the-art infrastructure and equipment.

The CNIC is searching for an excellent Principal Investigator at the career stage at which he/she is consolidating his/her own independent research team, to take up a position as Associate Professor in the field of cardiovascular health promotion.


As group leader in the rank of Associate Professor, the selected candidate will be responsible for the development of the research lines of the laboratory. Moreover, she/he will be expected to obtain extramural funding from the most competitive national and international sources to finance such projects, and to publish scientific results in international journals of the highest impact factor in the cardiovascular field, and/or general medicine field, and/or multidisciplinary sciences field. The selected candidate will supervise the work of all members of the group, including research and technical staff. Other tasks include the coordination and management work requested by CNIC leadership including participation in committees and helping in other needs that may arise.

Mandatory requirements:

1. PhD in the field of Life Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Medicine, etc.).

2. A minimum of 5 years and no more than 10 years of experience leading a research group in the field of cardiovascular health in an internationally recognized research center.

3. Excellent track record of recent scientific publications, fulfilling at least one of these 3 criteria:

       a) ≥ 4 original articles as corresponding author (or co-corresponding author) published in the last 5 years (i.e., since July 2019) in journals ranked in the first decile (year of publication) of their field.

       b) ≥1 original articles as corresponding author (or co-corresponding author) published in the last 5 years (i.e., since July 2019) in journals ranked in the TOP3 (year of publication) of their field.

       c) ≥1 original articles as corresponding author (or co-corresponding author) considered highly cited according to WOS in the last 5 years (i.e., since July 2019).

4. Experience as Principal Investigator and/or Coordinator in competitive research grants in the last 5 years (i.e., official start date of projects July 2019 onwards).

5. Main topic of research in the field of cardiovascular health promotion.

Valuable requirements:

  • C1. Scientific production: publications (original articles) as corresponding or co-corresponding author in journals ranked as first decile in their fields in the previous 5 years (i.e., date of publication since July 2019). Only published papers (or available online ahead of print in the journal) will be evaluated.

The CV must include the complete list of authors and the journal´s impact factor and ranking in the year of publication for each publication published since July 2019.

This criterion will be valued as a whole, according to the scientific impact of the papers (journal ranking and citation record) and according to the number of papers published as corresponding or co-corresponding author).

  • C2. Fundraising: Competitive projects obtained as principal investigator or coordinator in the previous 5 years (i.e. official start date of projects July 2019 onwards). This criterion will be valued as a whole, according to the relevance of the funding source (being the international sources considered the highest), the amount granted, and the number of projects.

The CV must include each project, indicating the role of the candidate in the grant, amount granted, period of funding, and funding agency.

  • C3. International recognition: Participation in international committees/boards, grant evaluation panels, invited talks in major international meetings, and editorial boards in the previous 5 years.

This criterion will be valued as a whole, according to the relevance of the boards, role played in these, and number of activities.

  • C4. Training and mentoring: Experience in training and mentoring of young researchers (PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, MD trainees, etc), and participation in training courses in the previous 5 years.

This criterion will be valued as a whole, according to the number of PhD thesis directed (defended in the evaluation period), number of postdoctoral fellows supervised with subsequent research position in other centers and the relevance of such positions (which should be indicated in the CV), and role in training courses.

  • C5. Impact on society: Translation of research discoveries to the clinics, invention of patents, relation with industry, and outreach activities in the previous 5 years.

This criterion will be valued as a whole, according to the relevance of research for society/patients, number and relevance of patents, research interactions with industry, and outreach activities.

  • C6. Cardiovascular health focus: Cardiovascular health promotion nature of the papers published as corresponding or co-corresponding author and of the projects as principal investigator in the previous 5 years.

This criterion will be evaluated as the weight of cardiovascular research in the overall scientific production and fundraising of the candidate.

  • C7. Underrepresentation of gender by category, in accordance with Action S1 of the 2021-2024 Equality Plan, POSITIVE ACTION IN CALLS FOR POSTS. 5%

We offer:

  • A research position in a consolidated Research Centre of international scientific relevance.
  • Access to state-of-the art infrastructures and advanced technologies.
  • Integration into an excellent scientific environment.
  • Immediate incorporation adaptable to the candidate circumstances
  • 5-years temporary position as “Contrato de investigador/a distinguido/a”. Distinguished investigator contract regulated by the article 23 of the Spanish Law, on Science, Technology and Innovation (texto refundido Ley 14/2011, de 1 de junio, de la Ciencia, la Tecnología y la Innovación). ), as long as the selected candidate complies with the legal requirements for the formalization of the contract in accordance with the Spanish labor law.

Selection Plan

The candidate with the highest score will be hired given the total score is higher than 85 points (C1-C7).

Evaluation Process:

Mandatory criteria will be evaluated by HHRR assisted by the scientific leadership of CNIC if needed. Candidates not fulfilling any of the mandatory criteria will be notified and allowed to make allegations (enclosing supporting material). Only candidacies fulfilling all mandatory criteria will pass to the evaluation by the commission here described. The evaluation commission will only evaluate valuable criteria.

The evaluation commission will be composed by 3 members of CNIC’s Scientific Advisory Board, and two members of CNIC’s Scientific Direction.

In the event of absence of any of the evaluators an alternate evaluator will be appointed.


The CNIC guarantees, in its field of action, the principle of equality in access to employment, and cannot establish any discrimination, direct or indirect, based on reasons of origin, including racial or ethnic, sex, age, marital status, religion or convictions, political opinion, sexual orientation and identity, gender expression, sexual characteristics, union affiliation, social condition, language within the State and disability, provided that the workers are in conditions of aptitude to carry out the work or employment for which try they are assigned.

By participating in the selection process, the participant agrees that their data appear in the public resolutions of the selection process. Such resolutions (provisional list of admitted and excluded, definitive list of admitted and excluded and resolution of the process) are published on the CNIC website.


Evaluation Criteria:

C1 – Scientific production: publications (original articles) as corresponding or co-corresponding author in journals ranked as first decile in their fields in the previous 5 years (i.e. date of publication since July 2019). Only published papers (or available online ahead of print in the journal) will be evaluated.

The CV must include the complete list of authors and the journal´s impact factor and ranking in the year of publication for each publication published since July 2019.

This criterion will be valued as a whole, according to the scientific impact of the papers (journal ranking and citation record) and according to the number of papers published as corresponding author or co-corresponding author. 30%

C2 – Fundraising: Competitive projects obtained as principal investigator or coordinator in the previous 5 years (i.e. official start date of projects July 2019 onwards).

This criterion will be valued as a whole, according to the relevance of the funding source (being the international sources considered the highest), the amount granted, and the number of projects. The CV must include each project, indicating the role of the candidate in the grant, amount granted, period of funding, and funding agency. 25%

C3 – International recognition: Participation in international committees/ boards, grant evaluation panels, invited talks in major international meetings, and editorial boards in the previous 5 years.

This criterion will be valued as a whole, according to the relevance of the boards, role played in these, and number of activities. 5%

C4 – Training and mentoring: Experience in training and mentoring of young researchers (PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, MD trainees, etc), and participation in training courses in the previous 5 years.

This criterion will be valued as a whole, according to the number of PhD thesis directed (defended in the evaluation period), number of postdoctoral fellows supervised with subsequent research position in other centers and the relevance of such positions (which should be indicated in the CV), and role in training courses. 5%

C5 – Impact on society: Translation of research discoveries to the clinics, invention of patents, relation with industry, and outreach activities in the previous 5 years.

This criterion will be valued as a whole, according to the relevance of research for society/patients, number and relevance of patents, research interactions with industry, and outreach activities. 15%

C6 – Cardiovascular health focus: Cardiovascular health promotion nature of the papers published as corresponding or co-corresponding author and of the projects as principal investigator in the previous 5 years.

This criterion will be evaluated as the weight of cardiovascular research in the overall scientific production and fundraising of the candidate. 15%

C7 – Underrepresentation of gender by category, in accordance with Action S1 of the 2021-2024 Equality Plan, POSITIVE ACTION IN CALLS FOR POSTS. 5%

Criterios de puntuación: 
C1 - Scientific production - 30%
C2 - Fundraising - 25%
C3 - International recognition - 5%
C4 - Training and mentoring - 5%
C5 - Impact on society - 15%
C6 - Cardiovascular health focus - 15%
C7 - Underrepresentation of gender by category, in accordance with Action S1 of the 2021-2024 Equality Plan, POSITIVE ACTION IN CALLS FOR POSTS - 5%

"En caso de ausencia de alguno de los evaluadores se nombrará un evaluador alternativo de la misma área"