Resultados de la búsqueda

Vernia S, Cavanagh-Kyros J, Garcia-Haro L, Sabio G, Barrett T, Jung D, Kim, JK, Xu J, Shulha HP, Garber M, Gao G, Davis RJ. The PPARα-FGF21 Hormone Axis Contributes to Metabolic Regulation by the Hepatic JNK Signaling Pathway Cell Metab (2014) 20:512-25
Escolano A, Martinez-Martinez S, Alfranca A, Urso K, Izquierdo HM, Delgado M, Martin F, Sabio G, Sancho D, Gomez-Del Arco P and Redondo JM. Specific calcineurin targeting in macrophages confers resistance to inflammation via MKP-1 and p38. EMBO J (2014) 33:1117-33
Sabio G, Davis RJ. NF and MAP kinase signalling pathways. Seminars in immunology Semin Immunol (2014) 26:237-45
Imbernon M, Beiroa D, Vázquez MJ, Morgan DA, Veyrat-Durebex C, Porteiro B, Díaz-Arteaga A, Senra A, Busquets S, Velásquez DA, Al-Massadi O, Varela L, Gándara M, López-Soriano FJ, Gallego R, Seoane LM, Argiles JM, López M, Davis RJ, Sabio G, Rohner-Jeanrenaud F, Rahmouni K, Dieguez C, Nogueiras R Central Melanin-Concentrating Hormone Influences Liver and Adipose Metabolism Via Specific Hypothalamic Nuclei and Efferent Autonomic/JNK1 Pathways. Gastroenterology (2013) 144:636-49
González-Terán B, Cortés JR, Manieri E, Matesanz N, Verdugo A, Rodríguez ME, González-Rodríguez A, Valverde A, Martín P, Davis RJ, Sabio G. Eukaryotic elongation factor 2 controls TNF-α translation in LPS-induced hepatitis. J Clin Invest (2013) 123:164-78
