Resultados de la búsqueda

Sánchez-Díaz R, Blanco-Dominguez R, Lasarte S, Tsilingiri K, Martín-Gayo E, Linillos-Pradillo B, de la Fuente H, Sánchez-Madrid F, Nakagawa R, Toribio ML, Martín P. Thymus-derived Treg cell development is regulated by C-type-lectin–mediated BIC/miRNA155 expression. Mol Cell Biol (2017) 37:e00341-16
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Rodriguez A, Garaulet G, Lazcano JJ, Alarcon H, de Frutos S, Martinez-Torrecuadrada JL. Display of the albumin binding domain in the envelope improves lentiviral vector bioavailability. Hum Gene Ther Methods (2017) 28:340-51
Tsilingiri K, Fornasa G, Rescigno M. Thymic Stromal Lymphopoietin: To Cut a Long Story Short. Cell Mol Gastroenterol Hepatol (2017) 3:174-82
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Cibrian D, Saiz ML, de la Fuente H, Sanchez-Diaz R, Moreno-Gonzalo O, Jorge I, Ferrarini A, Vazquez J, Punzon C, Fresno M, Vicente-Manzanares M, Dauden E, Fernandez-Salguero PM, Martin P, Sanchez-Madrid F. CD69 controls the uptake of L-tryptophan through LAT1-CD98 and AhR-dependent secretion of IL-22 in psoriasis. Nat Immunol (2016) 17:985-96
Liappas G*, Gonzalez-Mateo GT*, Sanchez-Diaz R*, Lazcano JJ, Lasarte S, Matesanz-Marin A, Zur R, Ferrantelli E, Ramirez LG, Aguilera A, Fernandez-Ruiz E, Beelen RH, Selgas R, Sanchez-Madrid F, Martin P*, Lopez-Cabrera M*. (GL, GTGM and RSD contributed equally and PM and MLC are co-corresponding authors) Immune-Regulatory Molecule CD69 Controls Peritoneal Fibrosis. J Am Soc Nephrol (2016) 27:3561-76
Barreiro O, Cibrian D, Clemente C, Alvarez D, Moreno V, Valiente I, Bernad A, Vestweber D, Arroyo AG, Martin P, Andrian UV, Sanchez Madrid F. Pivotal role for skin trans-endothelial radio-resistant anti-inflammatory macrophages in tissue repair. eLife (2016) 5:e15251
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Borroto A, Reyes-Garau D, Jimenez MA, Carrasco E, Moreno B, Martinez-Pasamar S, Cortes JR, Perona A, Abia D, Blanco S, Fuentes M, Arellano I, Lobo J, Heidarieh H, Rueda J, Esteve P, Cibrian D, Martinez-Riano A, Mendoza P, Prieto C, Calleja E, Oeste CL, Orfao A, Fresno M, Sanchez-Madrid F, Alcami A, Bovolenta P, Martin P, Villoslada P, Morreale A, Messeguer A, Alarcon B. First-in-class inhibitor of the T cell receptor for the treatment of autoimmune diseases. Sci Transl Med (2016) 8:ra184
Fabbiano S, Menacho-Marquez M, Robles-Valero J, Pericacho M, Matesanz-Marin A, Garcia-Macias C, Sevilla MA, Montero MJ, Alarcon B, Lopez-Novoa JM, Martin P, Bustelo XR. Immunosuppression-Independent Role of Regulatory T Cells against Hypertension-Driven Renal Dysfunctions. Mol Cell Biol (2015) 35:3528-46
Liappas G, Gonzalez-Mateo GT, Majano P, Sanchez-Tomero JA, Ruiz-Ortega M, Diez RR, Martin P, Sanchez-Diaz R, Selgas R, Lopez-Cabrera M, Peralta AA T Helper 17/Regulatory T Cell Balance and Experimental Models of Peritoneal Dialysis-Induced Damage BioMed Res Int (2015) 2015:416480
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Cortes JR*, Sanchez-Diaz R*, Bovolenta ER, Barreiro O, Lasarte S, Matesanz-Marin A, Toribio ML, Sanchez-Madrid F, Martin P (JRC and RSD contributed equally) Maintenance of immune tolerance by Foxp3+ regulatory T cells requires CD69 expresion J Autoimmun (2014) 55C:51-62
