Resultados de la búsqueda

Trigueros-Motos L, González-Granado JM, Cheung C, Fernández P, Sánchez-Cabo F, Dopazo A, Sinha S, Andrés V. Embryological-Origin-Dependent Differences in Hox Expression in Adult Aorta: Role in Regional Phenotypic Variability and Regulation of NF-κB Activity. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol (2013) 33:1248-56
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Silvestre-Roig C*, Fernández P*, Esteban V, Pello OM, Indolfi C, Rodríguez C, Rodríguez-Calvo R, López-Maderuelo MD, Bauriedel G, Hutter R, Fuster V, Ibáñez B, Redondo JM, Martínez-González J, Andrés V (CSR and PF contributed equally) Inactivation of Nuclear Factor-Y Inhibits Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Proliferation and Neointima Formation Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol (2013) 33:1036-45
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González-Navarro H, Vinué A, Sanz MJ, Delgado M, Pozo MA, Serrano M, Burks DJ, Andrés V. Increased dosage of Ink4/Arf protects against glucose intolerance and insulin resistance associated with aging Aging Cell (2013) 12:102-11
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Spínola-Amilibia M, Rivera J, Ortiz-Lombardía M, Romero A, Neira JL, Bravo J. BRMS151-98 and BRMS151-84 Are Crystal Oligomeric Coiled Coils with Different Oligomerization States, Which Behave as Disordered Protein Fragments in Solution. J Mol Biol (2013) 425:2147-63
Zotes TM, Arias CF, Fuster JJ, Spada R, Pérez-Yagüe S, Hirsch E, Wymann M, Carrera AC, Andrés V, Barber DF. PI3K p110γ Deletion Attenuates Murine Atherosclerosis by Reducing Macrophage Proliferation but Not Polarization or Apoptosis in Lesions. PLoS One (2013) 8:e72674
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Fuentes Q E, Fuentes Q F, Andrés V, Pello OM, de Mora JF, Palomo G I. Role of platelets as mediators that link inflammation and thrombosis in atherosclerosis. Platelets (2013) 24:255-62
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Rivera-Torres J*, Acín-Perez R*, Cabezas-Sánchez P, Osorio FG, Gonzalez-Gómez C, Megias D, Cámara C, López-Otín C, Enríquez JA, Luque-García JL, Andrés V (JRT and RAP contributed equally) Identification of mitochondrial dysfunction in Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome through use of stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture. J Proteomics (2013) 91:466-77
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Pla D, Sanz L, Molina-Sanchez P, Zorita V, Madrigal M, Flores-Diaz M, Alape-Giron A, Nunez V, Andres V, Gutierrez JM and Calvete JJ. Snake venomics of Lachesis muta rhombeata and genus-wide antivenomics assessment of the paraspecific immunoreactivity of two antivenoms evidence the high compositional and immunological conservation across Lachesis. J Proteomics (2013) 89:112-33
Sorianello E, Soriano FX, Fernández-Pascual S, Sancho A, Naon D, Vila-Caballer M, González-Navarro H, Portugal J, Andrés V, Palacín M, Zorzano A. The promoter activity of human Mfn2 depends on Sp1 in vascular smooth muscle cells. Cardiovasc Res (2012) 94:38-47
