Resultados de la búsqueda

Fernández-Pena A, Martín de Blas D, Navas-Sánchez FJ, Marcos-Vidal L, M Gordaliza P, Santonja J, Janssen J, Carmona S, Desco M, Alemán-Gómez Y. ABLE: Automated Brain Lines Extraction Based on Laplacian Surface Collapse NEUROINFORMATICS (2022) 21:145-162
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Navas-Sánchez FJ, Marcos-Vidal L, de Blas DM, Fernández-Pena A, Alemán-Gómez Y, Guzmán-de-Villoria JA, Romero J, Catalina I, Lillo L, Muñoz-Blanco JL, Ordoñez-Ugalde A, Quintáns B, Sobrido MJ, Carmona S, Grandas F, Desco M. Tract-specific damage at spinal cord level in pure hereditary spastic paraplegia type 4: a diffusion tensor imaging study. J NEUROL (2022) 269:3189-3203
Soto-Montenegro ML, García-Vázquez V, Lamanna-Rama N, López-Montoya G, Desco M, Ambrosio E. Neuroimaging reveals distinct brain glucose metabolism patterns associated with morphine consumption in Lewis and Fischer 344 rat strains. Sci Rep (2022) 12
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Garcia-Partida JA, Torres-Sanchez S, MacDowell K, Fernández-Ponce MT, Casas L, Mantell C, Soto-Montenegro ML, Romero-Miguel D, Lamanna-Rama N, Leza JC, Desco M, Berrocoso E. The effects of mango leaf extract during adolescence and adulthood in a rat model of schizophrenia. Front Pharmacol (2022) 13
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Lamas-Paz A, Moran L, Estevez-Vazquez O, Benede-Ubieto RL, Salinas B, Sydor S, Vilchez-Vargas R, Moreno L, del Moral MG, Bechmann LP, Martinez-Naves E, Vaquero J, Banares R, Nevzorova YA, Cubero FJ. Blood and fecal extracellular vesicles (EVS) as biomarkers of injury in the gut-liver axis during alcohol-induced liver disease. Alcohol Clin Exp Res (2022) 46:81-82
Martinez C, Fessler JA, Desco M, Abella M. Simple beam hardening correction method (2DCalBH) based on 2D linearization. Phys Med Biol (2022) 67
Santos-Coquillat A, Herreros-Pérez D, Samaniego R, González MI, Cussó L, Desco M, Salinas B. Dual-labeled nanoparticles based on small extracellular vesicles for tumor detection. BIOL DIRECT (2022) 17
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Peral A, Mateo J, Domínguez-Godínez CO, Carracedo G, Gómez JA, Crooke A, Pintor J. Therapeutic potential of topical administration of siRNAs against HIF-1 alpha for corneal neovascularization. Exp Eye Res (2022) 219
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Cómitre-Mariano B, Martínez-García M, García-Gálvez B, Paternina-Die M, Desco M, Carmona S, Gómez-Gaviro MV. Feto-maternal microchimerism: Memories from pregnancy. iScience (2022) 25:103664
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