Resultados de la búsqueda

Torres R, Garcia A, Jimenez M, Rodriguez S and Ramirez JC. An integration-defective lentivirus-based resource for site-specific targeting of an edited safe-harbour locus in the human genome. Gene Ther (2014) 21:343-52
Rojas JM, Moreno H, Garcia A, Ramirez JC, Sevilla N and Martin V. Rojas JM, Moreno H, Garcia A, Ramirez JC, Sevilla N and Martin V. Vaccine (2014) 32:393-400
Torres R, Rodriguez-Perales S, Ramirez JC. The use of Innovative Tools to reproduce Human Cancer Translocations: Lessons from the CRISPR/C as System. Curr Biotechnol (2014) 3:273-8
Belmar-Lopez C, Mendoza G, Oberg D, Burnet J, Simon C, Cervello I, Iglesias M, Ramirez JC, Lopez-Larrubia P, Quintanilla M, Martin-Duque P. issue-derived mesenchymal stromal cells used as vehicles for anti-tumor therapy exert different in vivo effects on migration capacity and tumor growth BMC Med (2013) 11:139
Link to the full text in Repisalud
Estrada JC, Torres Y, Benguría A, Dopazo A, Roche E, Carrera-Quintanar L, Pérez RA, Enríquez JA, Torres R, Ramírez JC, Samper E*, Bernad A* (ES and AB contributed equally) Human mesenchymal stem cell-replicative senescence and oxidative stress are closely linked to aneuploidy. Cell Death Dis (2013) 4:e691
Link to the full text in Repisalud
Leandro-Garcia LJ, Leskela S, Inglada-Perez L, Landa I, de Cubas AA, Maliszewska A, Comino-Mendez I, Leton R, Gómez-Graña A, Torres R, Ramirez JC, Alvarez S, Rivera J, Martinez C, Lozano ML, Cascon A, Robledo M, Rodriguez-Antona C. Hematological β-tubulin VI isoform exhibits genetic variability that influences paclitaxel toxicity. Cancer Res (2012) 72:4744-52
Horna D, Ramírez JC, Cifuentes A, Bernad A, Borrós S, González MA. Efficient cell reprogramming using bioengineered surfaces. Adv Healthc Mater (2012) 1:177-82
Lonardo E, Hermann PC, Muller MT, Huber S, Balic A, Miranda-Lorenzo I, Zagorac S, Alcala S, Rodriguez-Arabaolaza I, Ramirez JC, Torres-Ruiz R, Garcia E, Hidalgo M, Cebrian DA, Heuchel R, Lohr M, Berger F, Bartenstein P, Aicher A, Heeschen C. Nodal/Activin Signaling Drives Self-Renewal and Tumorigenicity of Pancreatic Cancer Stem Cells and Provides a Target for Combined Drug Therapy Cell Stem Cell (2011) 9:433-46
Torres R, García A, Payá M, Ramirez JC. Non-Integrative Lentivirus Drives High-Frequency cre-Mediated Cassette Exchange in Human Cells. PLoS One (2011) 6:e19794.
