Resultados de la búsqueda

Kukavica D, Guglielmo M, Baggiano A, Muscogiuri G, Fusini L, Muratori M, Tamborini G, Mantegazza V, Trancuccio A, Arnò C, Mazzanti A, Pepi M, Priori SG, Pontone G Arrhythmic Mitral Valve Prolapse: Introducing an Era of Multimodality Imaging-Based Diagnosis and Risk Stratification Diagnostics (2021) 11:467
Porta-Sánchez A, Priori SG Genetic Abnormalities of the Sinoatrial Node and Atrioventricular Conduction Card Electrophysiol Clin (2021) 13:625-639
Nicolas-Avila JA, Lechuga-Vieco AV, Esteban-Martinez L, Sanchez-Diaz M, Diaz-Garcia E, Santiago DJ, Rubio-Ponce A, Li JL, Balachander A, Quintana JA, Martinez-de-Mena R, Castejon-Vega B, Pun-Garcia A, Traves PG, Bonzon-Kulichenko E, Garcia-Marques F, Cusso L, N AG, Gonzalez-Guerra A, Roche-Molina M, Martin-Salamanca S, Crainiciuc G, Guzman G, Larrazabal J, Herrero-Galan E, Alegre-Cebollada J, Lemke G, Rothlin CV, Jimenez-Borreguero LJ, Reyes G, Castrillo A, Desco M, Munoz-Canoves P, Ibanez B, Torres M, Ng LG, Priori SG, Bueno H, Vazquez J, Cordero MD, Bernal JA, Enriquez JA, Hidalgo A A Network of Macrophages Supports Mitochondrial Homeostasis in the Heart Cell (2020) 183:94-109
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Mazzanti A, Briani M, Kukavica D, Bulian F, Marelli S, Trancuccio A, Monteforte N, Manciulli T, Morini M, Carlucci A, Viggiani G, Cannata F, Negri S, Bloise R, Memmi M, Gambelli P, Carbone A, Molteni M, Bianchini R, Salgarello R, Sozzi S, De Cata P, Fanfulla F, Ceriana P, Locatelli C, Napolitano C, Chiovato L, Tomasi L, Stefanini G, Condorelli G, Priori SG Association of Hydroxychloroquine with QTc Interval in Patients with COVID-19 Circulation (2020) 142:513-515
Bhaskaran A, Nayyar S, Porta-Sanchez A, Jons C, Masse S, Magtibay K, Aukhojee P, Ha A, Bokhari M, Tung R, Downar E, Nanthakumar K Direct and Indirect Mapping of Intramural Space in Ventricular Tachycardia Heart Rhythm (2020) 17:439-446
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Dries E, Amoni M, Vandenberk B, Johnson DM, Gilbert G, Nagaraju CK, Puertas RD, Abdesselem M, Santiago DJ, Roderick HL, Claus P, Willems R, Sipido KR Altered adrenergic response in myocytes bordering a chronic myocardial infarction underlies in vivo triggered activity and repolarization instability J Physiol (2020) 598:2875-2895
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Porta-Sánchez A Beyond High-Density Mapping: Is There a Gold Medalist? JACC Clin Electrophysiol (2020) 6:324-6
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Cabrera JA, Anderson RH, Macias Y, Nevado-Medina J, Porta-Sanchez A, Rubio JM, Sanchez-Quintana D Variable Arrangement of the Atrioventricular Conduction Axis Within the Triangle of Koch: Implications for Permanent His Bundle Pacing JACC Clin Electrophysiol (2020) 6:362-377
Liu MB, Priori SG, Qu Z, Weiss JN Stabilizer Cell Gene Therapy: A Less-Is-More Strategy to Prevent Cardiac Arrhythmias Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol (2020) 13:e008420
