Resultados de la búsqueda

Salanueva IJ*, Cerezo A*, Guadamillas MC, del Pozo MA (IJS and AC contributed equally) Integrin regulation of caveolin function. J Cell Mol Med (2007) 11:969-80
Echarri A*, Muriel O*, Del Pozo MA (AE and OM contributed equally) Intracellular trafficking of raft/caveolae domains: insights from integrin signaling. Semin Cell Dev Biol (2007) 18:627-37
Mayor S, Viola A, Stan RV, del Pozo MA. Flying kites on slippery slopes at Keystone. Symposium on Lipid Rafts and Cell Function. EMBO Rep (2006) 7:1089-93
Echarri A, Del Pozo MA. Caveolae internalization regulates integrin-dependent signaling pathways. Cell Cycle (2006) 5:2179-82
del Pozo MA, Balasubramanian N, Alderson NB, Kiosses WB, Grande-García A, Anderson RG, Schwartz MA. Phospho-caveolin-1 mediates integrin-regulated membrane domain internalization. Nat Cell Biol (2005) 7:901-8
Grande-García A, Echarri A, Del Pozo MA. Integrin regulation of membrane domain trafficking and Rac targeting. Biochem Soc Trans (2005) 33:609-13
del Pozo MA, Alderson NB, Kiosses WB, Chiang HH, Anderson RG, Schwartz MA. Integrins regulate Rac targeting by internalization of membrane domains. Science (2004) 303:839-42
Del Pozo MA. Integrin signaling and lipid rafts. Cell Cycle (2004) 3:725-8
Kaminski S, Del Pozo MA, Hipskind RA, Altman A, Villalba M. Distinct functions of Vav1 in JNK1 activation in Jurkat T cells versus non-haematopoietic cells. Scand J Immunol (2004) 59:527-35
del Pozo MA, Schwartz MA, Hu J, Kiosses WB, Altman A, Villalba M. Guanine exchange-dependent and -independent effects of Vav1 on integrin-induced T cell spreading. J Immunol (2003) 170:41-7
