Resultados de la búsqueda

Pons M, Izquierdo I, Andreu-Carbo M, Garrido G, Planaguma J, Muriel O, Geli MI, Aragay AM. Phosphorylation of filamin A regulates chemokine receptor CCR2 recycling J Cell Sci (2017) 130:490-501
Ciucci S, Ge Y, Duran C, Palladini A, Jimenez-Jimenez V, Martinez-Sanchez LM, Wang Y, Sales S, Shevchenko A, Poser SW, Herbig M, Otto O, Androutsellis-Theotokis A, Guck J, Gerl MJ, Cannistraci CV. Enlightening discriminative network functional modules behind Principal Component Analysis separation in differential-omic science studies. Sci Rep (2017) 7:43946
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Strippoli R, Echarri A, Del Pozo MA. Cell-Based Assays to Study ERK Pathway/Caveolin1 Interactions. Methods Mol Biol (2017) 1487:163-74
Schonle A, Hartl FA, Mentzel J, Noltner T, Rauch KS, Prestipino A, Wohlfeil SA, Apostolova P, Hechinger AK, Melchinger W, Fehrenbach K, Guadamillas MC, Follo M, Prinz G, Ruess AK, Pfeifer D, Del Pozo MA, Schmitt-Graeff A, Duyster J, Hippen KI, Blazar BR, Schachtrup K, Minguet S, Zeiser R. Caveolin-1 regulates TCR signal strength and regulatory T cell differentiation into alloreactive T cells. Blood (2016) 127:1930-9
García-Marqués F, Trevisan-Herraz M, Martínez-Martínez S, Camafeita E, Jorge I, Lopéz JA, Méndez-Barbero N, Méndez-Ferrer S, Del Pozo MÁ, Ibáñez B, Andrés V, Sánchez-Madrid F, Redondo JM, Bonzon-Kulichenko E, Vázquez J. A novel systems-biology algorithm for the analysis of coordinated protein responses using quantitative proteomics Mol Cell Proteomics (2016) 15:1740-60
Bravo-Cordero JJ, Cordani M, Soriano SF, Diez B, Munoz-Agudo C, Casanova-Acebes M, Boullosa C, Guadamillas MC, Ezkurdia I, Gonzalez-Pisano D, Del Pozo MA, Montoya MC. A novel high content analysis tool reveals Rab8-driven actin and FA reorganization through Rho GTPases and calpain/MT1. J Cell Sci (2016) 129:1734-49
Sala-Vila A*, Navarro-Lerida I*, Sanchez-Alvarez M, Bosch M, Calvo C, Lopez JA, Calvo E, Ferguson C, Giacomello M, Serafini A, Scorrano L, Enriquez JA, Balsinde J, Parton RG, Vazquez J, Pol A, Del Pozo MA. (*ASV and INL contributed equally) Interplay between hepatic mitochondria-associated membranes, lipid metabolism and caveolin-1 in mice. Sci Rep (2016) 6:27351
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Strippoli R, Moreno-Vicente R, Battistelli C, Cicchini C, Noce V, Amicone L, Marchetti A, Del Pozo MA, Tripodi M. Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Peritoneal EMT and Fibrosis. Stem Cells Int (2016) 2016:3543678
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