Resultados de la búsqueda

Romero-Becerra R, Santamans AM, Folgueira C, Sabio G p38 MAPK Pathway in the Heart: New Insights in Health and Disease Int J Mol Sci (2020) 21:e7412
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Lechuga-Vieco AV, Latorre-Pellicer A, Johnston IG, Prota G, Gileadi U, Justo-Méndez R, Acín-Pérez R, Martínez-de-Mena R, Fernández-Toro JM, Jimenez-Blasco D, Mora A, Nicolás-Ávila JA, Santiago DJ, Priori SG, Bolaños JP, Sabio G, Criado LM, Ruíz-Cabello J, Cerundolo V, Jones NS, Enríquez JA Cell identity and nucleo-mitochondrial genetic context modulate OXPHOS performance and determine somatic heteroplasmy dynamics Sci Adv (2020) 6:eaba5345
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Nikolic I, Leiva M, Sabio G The role of stress kinases in metabolic disease Nat Rev Endocrinol (2020) 16:697-716
Leiva M, Matesanz N, Pulgarin-Alfaro M, Nikolic I, Sabio G Uncovering the Role of p38 Family Members in Adipose Tissue Physiology Front Endocrinol (2020) 11:572089
Tomás-Loba A, Manieri E, González-Terán B, Mora A, Leiva-Vega L, Santamans AM, Romero-Becerra R, Rodríguez E, Pintor-Chocano A, Feixas F, López JA, Caballero B, Trakala M, Blanco Ó, Torres JL, Hernández-Cosido L, Montalvo-Romeral V, Matesanz N, Roche-Molina M, Bernal JA, Mischo H, León M, Caballero A, Miranda-Saavedra D, Ruiz-Cabello J, Nevzorova YA, Cubero FJ, Bravo J, Vázquez J, Malumbres M, Marcos M, Osuna S, Sabio G. p38gamma is essential for cell cycle progression and liver tumorigenesis Nature (2019) 568:557-60
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Manieri E, Herrera-Melle L, Mora A, Tomas-Loba A, Leiva-Vega L, Fernandez DI, Rodriguez E, Moran L, Hernandez-Cosido L, Torres JL, Seoane LM, Cubero FJ, Marcos M, Sabio G Adiponectin accounts for gender differences in hepatocellular carcinoma incidence J Exp Med (2019) 216:1108-19
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Cunarro J, Buque X, Casado S, Lugilde J, Vidal A, Mora A, Sabio G, Nogueiras R, Aspichueta P, Dieguez C, Tovar S. p107 Deficiency Increases Energy Expenditure by Inducing Brown-fat Thermogenesis and Browning of White Adipose Tissue. Mol Nutr Food Res (2019) 63:e1801096
Notario L, Redondo-Anton J, Alari-Pahissa E, Albentosa A, Leiva M, Lopez D, Sabio G, Lauzurica P. CD69 targeting enhances anti-Vaccinia virus immunity. J Virol (2019) 93:553-19
Quinones M, Al-Massadi O, Folgueira C, Bremser S, Gallego R, Torres-Leal L, Haddad-Tovolli R, Garcia-Caceres C, Hernandez-Bautista R, Lam BYH, Beiroa D, Sanchez-Rebordelo E, Senra A, Malagon JA, Valerio P, Fondevila MF, Ferno J, Malagon MM, Contreras R, Pfluger P, Bruning JC, Yeo G, Tschop M, Dieguez C, Lopez M, Claret M, Kloppenburg P, Sabio G, Nogueiras R. p53 in AgRP neurons is required for protection against diet-induced obesity via JNK1. Nat Commun (2018) 9:3432
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Loffler MC, Mayer AE, Trujillo Viera J, Loza Valdes A, El-Merahbi R, Ade CP, Karwen T, Schmitz W, Slotta A, Erk M, Janaki-Raman S, Matesanz N, Torres JL, Marcos M, Sabio G, Eilers M, Schulze A, Sumara G. Protein kinase D1 deletion in adipocytes enhances energy dissipation and protects against adiposity. EMBO J (2018) 37:e99182
