Resultados de la búsqueda

Marques IJ, Lupi E, Mercader N Model systems for regeneration: zebrafish Development (2019) 146:167692
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Sanchez-Iranzo H, Galardi-Castilla M, Minguillon C, Sanz-Morejon A, Gonzalez-Rosa JM, Felker A, Ernst A, Guzman-Martinez G, Mosimann C, Mercader N. Tbx5a lineage tracing shoTbx5a lineage tracing shows cardiomyocyte plasticity during zebrafish heart regeneration. ws cardiomyocyte plasticity during zebrafish heart regeneration. Nat Commun (2018) 9:428
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Sanchez-Iranzo H, Galardi-Castilla M, Sanz-Morejon A, Gonzalez-Rosa JM, Costa R, Ernst A, Sainz de Aja J, Langa X, Mercader N. Transient fibrosis resolves via fibroblast inactivation in the regenerating zebrafish heart. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2018) 115:4188-93
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Cogliati S*, Calvo E*, Loureiro M, Guaras AM, Nieto-Arellano R, Garcia-Poyatos C, Ezkurdia I, Mercader N, Vazquez J*, Enriquez JA* (SC and EC contributed equally; JV and JAE are co-corresponding authors) Mechanism of super-assembly of respiratory complexes III and IV. Nature (2016) 539:579-82
Di Donato V, De Santis F, Auer T, Testa N, Sanchez-Iranzo H, Mercader N, Concordet JP, Del Bene F. 2C-Cas9: a versatile tool for clonal analysis of gene function. Genome Res (2016) 26:681-92
Rodius S, Androsova G, Gotz L, Liechti R, Crespo I, Merz S, Nazarov PV, de Klein N, Jeanty C, Gonzalez-Rosa JM, Muller A, Bernardin F, Niclou SP, Vallar L, Mercader N, Ibberson M, Xenarios I, Azuaje F. Analysis of the dynamic co-expression network of heart regeneration in the zebrafish. Sci Rep (2016) 6:26822
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Andres-Delgado L, Mercader N. Interplay between cardiac function and heart development. Biochim Biophys Acta (2016) 1863:1707-16
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Bednarek D, Gonzalez-Rosa JM, Guzman-Martinez G, Gutierrez-Gutierrez O, Aguado T, Sanchez-Ferrer C, Marques IJ, Galardi-Castilla M, de Diego I, Gomez MJ, Cortes A, Zapata A, Jimenez-Borreguero LJ, Mercader N*, Flores I*. (NM and IF are co-corresponding authors) Telomerase Is Essential for Zebrafish Heart Regeneration. Cell Rep (2015) 12:1691-703
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Hermann M, Stillhard P, Wildner H, Seruggia D, Kapp V, Sánchez-Iranzo H, Mercader N, Montoliu L, Zeilhofer HU, Pelczar P Binary recombinase systems for high-resolution conditional mutagenesis. Nucleic Acids Res (2014) 42:3894-807
