Resultados de la búsqueda

Martinez PJ, Baldan-Martin M, Lopez JA, Martin-Lorenzo M, Santiago-Hernandez A, Agudiez M, Cabrera M, Calvo E, Vazquez J, Ruiz-Hurtado G, Vivanco F, Ruilope LM, Barderas MG, Alvarez-Llamas G. Identification of six cardiovascular risk biomarkers in the young population: A promising tool for early prevention. Atherosclerosis (2019) 282:67-74
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Balaguer FA, Muhlethaler T, Estevez-Gallego J, Calvo E, Gimenez-Abian JF, Risinger AL, Sorensen EJ, Vanderwal CD, Altmann KH, Mooberry SL, Steinmetz MO, Oliva MA, Prota AE, Diaz JF Crystal Structure of the Cyclostreptin-Tubulin Adduct: Implications for Tubulin Activation by Taxane-Site Ligands Int J Mol Sci (2019) 20:E1392
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Toran JL, Lopez JA, Gomes-Alves P, Aguilar S, Torroja C, Trevisan-Herraz M, Moscoso I, Sebastiao MJ, Serra M, Brito C, Cruz FM, Sepulveda JC, Abad JL, Galan-Arriola C, Ibanez B, Martinez F, Fernandez ME, Fernandez-Aviles F, Palacios I, L RB, Vazquez J, Alves PM, Bernad A. Definition of a cell surface signature for human cardiac progenitor cells after comprehensive comparative transcriptomic and proteomic characterization. Sci Rep (2019) 9:4647
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Zak MM, Gkontra P, Clemente C, Squadrito ML, Ferrarini A, Mota RA, Oliver E, Rocha S, Aguero J, Vazquez J, De Palma M, Ibanez B, Arroyo AG. Sequential bone marrow-cell delivery of VEGFA/S1P improves vascularization and limits adverse cardiac remodeling after myocardial infarction in mice. Hum Gene Ther (2019) 30:839-905
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Vaz C, Reales-Calderon JA, Pitarch A, Vellosillo P, Trevisan M, Hernaez ML, Monteoliva L, Gil C Enrichment of ATP Binding Proteins Unveils Proteomic Alterations in Human Macrophage Cell Death, Inflammatory Response, and Protein Synthesis after Interaction with Candida albicans J Proteome Res (2019) 18:2139-59
Ribas L, Crespo B, Sanchez-Baizan N, Xavier D, Kuhl H, Rodriguez JM, Diaz N, Boltana S, MacKenzie S, Moran F, Zanuy S, Gomez A, Piferrer F Characterization of the European Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) Gonadal Transcriptome During Sexual Development Mar Biotechnol (2019) 21:359-373
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Clemente C, Rius C, Alonso-Herranz L, Martin-Alonso M, Pollan A, Camafeita E, Martinez F, Mota RA, Nunez V, Rodriguez C, Seiki M, Martinez-Gonzalez J, Andres V, Ricote M, Arroyo AG. MT4-MMP deficiency increases patrolling monocyte recruitment to early lesions and accelerates atherosclerosis. Nat Commun (2018) 9:910
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Quintana-Cabrera R, Quirin C, Glytsou C, Corrado M, Urbani A, Pellattiero A, Calvo E, Vazquez J, Enriquez JA, Gerle C, Soriano ME, Bernardi P, Scorrano L. The cristae modulator Optic atrophy 1 requires mitochondrial ATP synthase oligomers to safeguard mitochondrial function. Nat Commun (2018) 9:3399
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Gomez-Zambrano A, Crevillen P, Franco-Zorrilla JM, Lopez JA, Moreno-Romero J, Roszak P, Santos-Gonzalez J, Jurado S, Vazquez J, Kohler C, Solano R, Pineiro M, Jarillo JA. Arabidopsis SWC4 binds DNA and recruits the SWR1 complex to modulate histone H2A.Z deposition at key regulatory genes. Mol Plant (2018) 11:815-32
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Tardaguila M, de la Fuente L, Marti C, Pereira C, Pardo-Palacios FJ, Del Risco H, Ferrell M, Mellado M, Macchietto M, Verheggen K, Edelmann M, Ezkurdia I, Vazquez J, Tress M, Mortazavi A, Martens L, Rodriguez-Navarro S, Moreno-Manzano V, Conesa A. SQANTI: extensive characterization of long-read transcript sequences for quality control in full-length transcriptome identification and quantification. Genome Res (2018) 28:396-411
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