Resultados de la búsqueda

Cidad P, Alonso E, Arevalo-Martinez M, Calvo E, de la Fuente MA, Perez-Garcia MT, Lopez-Lopez JR Voltage-dependent conformational changes of Kv1.3 channels activate cell proliferation J Cell Physiol (2020) Nov 23 [Epub ahead of print]
Tamayo M, Fulgencio-Covian A, Navarro-Garcia JA, Val-Blasco A, Ruiz-Hurtado G, Gil-Fernandez M, Martin-Nunez L, Lopez JA, Desviat LR, Delgado C, Richard E, Fernandez-Velasco M Intracellular calcium mishandling leads to cardiac dysfunction and ventricular arrhythmias in a mouse model of propionic acidemia Biochim Biophys Acta (2020) 1866:165586
Bonzon-Kulichenko E, Camafeita E, Lopez JA, Gomez-Serrano M, Jorge I, Calvo E, Nunez E, Trevisan-Herraz M, Bagwan N, Barcena JA, Peral B, Vazquez J Improved integrative analysis of the thiol redox proteome using filter-aided sample preparation J Proteomics (2020) 214:103624
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Baldan-Martin M, Martin-Rojas T, Corbacho-Alonso N, Lopez JA, Sastre-Oliva T, Gil-Dones F, Vazquez J, Arevalo JM, Mourino-Alvarez L, Barderas MG Comprehensive Proteomic Profiling of Pressure Ulcers in Patients with Spinal Cord Injury Identifies a Specific Protein Pattern of Pathology Adv Wound Care (2020) 9:277-94
Link to the full text in Repisalud
Corbacho-Alonso N, Baldan-Martin M, Lopez JA, Rodriguez Sanchez E, Martinez PJ, Mourino-Alvarez L, Martin-Rojas T, Sastre-Oliva T, Madruga F, Vazquez J, Padial LR, Alvarez-Llamas G, Vivanco F, Ruiz-Hurtado G, Ruilope LM, Barderas MG Novel molecular plasma signatures on cardiovascular disease can stratify patients throughout life J Proteomics (2020) 222:103816
Calvo E, Cogliati S, Hernansanz-Agustín P, Loureiro-López M, Guarás A, Casuso RA, García-Marqués F, Acín-Pérez R, Martí-Mateos Y, Silla-Castro J, Carro-Alvarellos M, Huertas JR, Vázquez J*, Enríquez JA* (JV and JAE are co-corresponding authors) Functional role of respiratory supercomplexes in mice: SCAF1 relevance and segmentation of the Qpool Sci Adv (2020) 6:eaba7509
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Martin-Rojas T, Sastre-Oliva T, Esclarin-Ruz A, Gil-Dones F, Mourino-Alvarez L, Corbacho-Alonso N, Moreno-Luna R, Hernandez-Fernandez G, Lopez JA, Oliviero A, Barderas MG Effects of Growth Hormone Treatment and Rehabilitation in Incomplete Chronic Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury: Insight from Proteome Analysis J Pers Med (2020) 10:183
Calvo E, Corbacho-Alonso N, Sastre-Oliva T, Nunez E, Baena-Galan P, Hernandez-Fernandez G, Rodriguez-Cola M, Jimenez-Velasco I, Corrales FJ, Gambarrutta-Malfati C, Gutierrez-Henares F, Lopez-Dolado E, Gil-Agudo A, Vazquez J, Mourino-Alvarez L, Barderas MG Why Does COVID-19 Affect Patients with Spinal Cord Injury Milder? A Case-Control Study: Results from Two Observational Cohorts J Pers Med (2020) 10:e182
Martin-Cofreces NB, Chichon FJ, Calvo E, Torralba D, Bustos-Moran E, Dosil SG, Rojas-Gomez A, Bonzon-Kulichenko E, Lopez JA, Otón J, Sorrentino A, Zabala JC, Vernos I, Vazquez J, Valpuesta JM, Sanchez-Madrid F The chaperonin CCT controls T cell receptor–driven 3D configuration of centrioles Sci Adv (2020) 6:eabb7242
