Resultados de la búsqueda

Adrover JM, Aroca-Crevillen A, Crainiciuc G, Ostos F, Rojas-Vega Y, Rubio-Ponce A, Cilloniz C, Bonzon-Kulichenko E, Calvo E, Rico D, Moro MA, Weber C, Lizasoain I, Torres A, Ruiz-Cabello J, Vazquez J, Hidalgo A Programmed 'disarming' of the neutrophil proteome reduces the magnitude of inflammation Nat Immunol (2020) 21:135-144
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Forte D, Garcia-Fernandez M, Sanchez-Aguilera A, Stavropoulou V, Fielding C, Martin-Perez D, Lopez JA, Costa ASH, Tronci L, Nikitopoulou E, Barber M, Gallipoli P, Marando L, Fernandez de Castillejo CL, Tzankov A, Dietmann S, Cavo M, Catani L, Curti A, Vazquez J, Frezza C, Huntly BJ, Schwaller J, Mendez-Ferrer S Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells Support Acute Myeloid Leukemia Bioenergetics and Enhance Antioxidant Defense and Escape from Chemotherapy Cell Metab (2020) 32:829-843
Martinez-Lopez D, Roldan-Montero R, Garcia-Marques F, Nunez E, Jorge I, Camafeita E, Minguez P, Rodriguez de Cordoba S, Lopez-Melgar B, Lara-Pezzi E, Fernandez-Ortiz A, Ibanez B, Valdivielso JM, Fuster V, Michel JB, Blanco-Colio LM, Vazquez J*, Martin-Ventura JL* (JV and JLMV are co-corresponding authors) Complement C5 Protein as a Marker of Subclinical Atherosclerosis J Am Coll Cardiol (2020) 75:1926-1941
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Cibrian D, Castillo-Gonzalez R, Fernandez-Gallego N, de la Fuente H, Jorge I, Saiz ML, Punzon C, Ramirez-Huesca M, Vicente-Manzanares M, Fresno M, Dauden E, Fraga-Fernandez J, Vazquez J, Aragones J, Sanchez-Madrid F Targeting LAT1-mediated amino acid transport in innate and adaptive T cells efficiently controls skin inflammation J Allergy Clin Immunol (2020) 145:199-214
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Albacete-Albacete L, Navarro-Lérida I, López JA, Martín-Padura I, Astudillo AM, Ferrarini A, Van-Der-Heyden M, Balsinde J, Orend G, Vázquez J, Del Pozo M ECM deposition is driven by caveolin-1-dependent regulation of exosomal biogenesis and cargo sorting J Cell Biol (2020) 219:e202006178
Garcia-Poyatos C, Cogliati S, Calvo E, Hernansanz-Agustin P, Lagarrigue S, Magni R, Botos M, Langa X, Amati F, Vazquez J, Mercader N, Enriquez JA Scaf1 promotes respiratory supercomplexes and metabolic efficiency in zebrafish EMBO Rep (2020) 21:e50287
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Strippoli R, Sandoval P, Moreno-Vicente R, Rossi L, Battistelli C, Terri M, Pascual-Anton L, Loureiro M, Matteini F, Calvo E, Jimenez-Heffernan JA, Gomez MJ, Jimenez-Jimenez V, Sanchez-Cabo F, Vazquez J, Tripodi M, Lopez-Cabrera M, Del Pozo MA Caveolin1 and YAP drive mechanically induced mesothelial to mesenchymal transition and fibrosis Cell Death Differ (2020) 11:647
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Fanjul V, Jorge I, Camafeita E, Macías Á, González-Gómez C, Barettino A, Dorado B, Andrés-Manzano MJ, Rivera-Torres J, Vázquez J, López-Otín C, Andrés V Identification of common cardiometabolic alterations and deregulated pathways in mouse and pig models of aging Aging Cell (2020) 19:e13203
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Santos-Lozano A, Valenzuela PL, Llavero F, Lista S, Carrera-Bastos P, Hampel H, Pareja-Galeano H, Galvez BG, Lopez JA, Vazquez J, Emanuele E, Zugaza JL, Lucia A Successful aging: insights from proteome analyses of healthy centenarians Aging (2020) 12:3502-3515
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Rodriguez JM, Pozo F, di Domenico T, Vazquez J, Tress ML An analysis of tissue-specific alternative splicing at the protein level PLoS Comput Biol (2020) 16:e1008287
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