Resultados de la búsqueda
Pellico J, Ruiz-Cabello J, Saiz-Alia M, Del Rosario G, Caja S, Montoya M, Fernandez de Manuel L, Morales MP, Gutierrez L, Galiana B, Enriquez JA, Herranz F. Fast synthesis and bioconjugation of Ga core-doped extremely small iron oxide nanoparticles for PET/MR imaging. Contrast Media Mol Imaging (2016) 11:203-10
Azegrouz H, Karemore G, Torres A, Alaíz CM, Gonzalez AM, Nevado P, Salmerón A, Pellinen T, Del Pozo MA, Dorronsoro JR, Montoya MC. Cell-Based Fuzzy Metrics Enhance High-Content Screening (HCS) Assay Robustness. J Biomol Screen (2013) 18:1270-83
Echarri A, Muriel O, Pavón DM, Azegrouz H, Escolar F, Terrón MC, Sanchez-Cabo F, Martínez F, Montoya MC, Llorca O, Del Pozo MA. Caveolar domain organization and trafficking is regulated by Abl kinases and mDia1 J Cell Sci (2012) 125:3097-113
Trucco E, Azegrouz H, Dhillon B. Modeling the tortuosity of retinal vessels: does calibre play a role? IEEE Trans Biomed Eng (2010) 57:2239-47
Lucas D, Escudero B, Ligos JM, Segovia JC, Estrada JC, Terrados G, Blanco L, Samper E*, Bernad A* (ES and AB contributed equally) Altered hematopoiesis in mice lacking DNA polymerase mu is due to inefficient double-strand break repair. PLoS Genet (2009) 5:e1000389
Yañez-Mó M, Barreiro O, Gonzalo P, Batista A, Megías D, Genís L, Sachs N, Sala-Valdés M, Alonso MA, Montoya MC, Sonnenberg A, Arroyo AG, Sánchez-Madrid F. MT1-MMP collagenolytic activity is regulated through association with tetraspanin CD151 in primary endothelial cells. Blood (2008) 112:3217-26
Eswaran J, Bernad A, Ligos JM, Guinea B, Debreczeni JE, Sobott F, Parker SA, Najmanovich R, Turk BE, Knapp S. Structure of the human protein kinase MPSK1 reveals an atypical activation loop architecture. Structure (2008) 16:115-24
Bravo-Cordero JJ, Marrero-Diaz R, Megías D, Genís L, García-Grande A, García MA, Arroyo AG, Montoya MC. MT1-MMP proinvasive activity is regulated by a novel Rab8-dependent exocytic pathway. EMBO J (2007) 26:1499-510